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Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose, pacing back and forth between the two vampires glaring daggers at each other from across the room. He cared a lot for each of them, but their constant bickering was beginning to wear on his normally very plentiful patience. 

"I want to go," Jeongguk seethed, "I don't give a fuck about that mandates the humans set. I don't want to be here with her."

Vanessa snapped, "Do you think that I want to be here?" she looked at him incredulously, "I haven't lived with another being...ANY other being...for more than a few days in 2,300 years! I've had no say in anything since I met with you guys, I have humans breathing down my neck...wanting me DEAD...and I can't so much as take a piss without apparently pissing you off!"

"You didn't take a piss," he stood, face turning red from anger, "You FUCKED Hobi in MY FUCKING BEDROOM!"

"And you mated some floozy in the library!" she returned, "You KNEW how much I needed that sanctuary and respite! And you did it purposely, with malicious intent, and for the sole reason of hurting me and pissing me off!" She mocked his tone, "yOu DOn'T oWn AnyThInG, PhOEniCiAn."

"You said that to her?" Jimin's gaze was intense as he looked at the youngest, "She's your queen!"

"SHE'S A FRAUD!" Jeongguk roared, making everyone still in shock at his outburst, "A queen works for her people! She watches over them! She protects them! A queen doesn't create subjects with no reason, and then abandon them and leave them with no one to look to when in need! No one to turn to when they're in trouble!" He pointed an accusing finger at Vanessa, "She's not a queen! She's no better than a deadbeat parent! She's not even connected to us!'

Vanessa gasped, the hurt in her voice unfiltered, "Th-that's what you think I did?" She held her hand over her heart weakly, "I saved the people I turned. From death, powerlessness, from the destruction of their mind or body or soul. And then I gave them free will," she glared at him, "I gave them the one thing I never had, beholden to the disgusting trash that clothed and fed me, the ones that tried to use me in the end, and to the goddess who made me."

"You let them die," Jeongguk's voice was filled with ice and poison, "We were hunted...for years. Hunters who were allowed to reign their terror over us because our queen was nowhere to be found. The cattle overran the farm because of you."

"She didn't kill your parents, Kook," Namjoon reasoned, "She wasn't even there."

"Exactly," Jeongguk spat, "She wasn't anywhere. Just letting us all be hunted, or at least giving an infant a gun in the name of supreme powers and thinking that they wouldn't do enough damage to gain notice. She stayed hidden, so that was enough for her." he turned his sour gaze to Vanessa, his eyes boring into hers, "You will never know the type of pain you created. You'll never understand the ways we've suffered."

Vanessa's hurt turned to rage, her eyes shining in an uncommon oxblood as she stepped forward, "You think I've never known pain? Never suffered?" she voiced eerily, "You watched your parents die, Jeongguk, I get that. But did you watch them beg to die? Beg you to take their lives, so they didn't have to live with what they had become? Use your own hands to rend their heads from their bodies, even as you cried and begged for forgiveness, so that all of the pain and suffering they had been through wouldn't have to follow them for the rest of their lives? Because I have," she tamped her fist to the center of her chest, still walking toward him, "And if you think that your pain is more important or more prevalent than mine, just because I had to kill my mother thousands of years're not only stupid, but you're a heartless fucking asshole." Tears brimmed her lashes, but never fell, "Because that is the kind of shit that sticks, kid. That's the kind of pain that haunts you, and a hundred or a thousand or a thousand thousand years won't ever take it away." Her hands reached toward his throat, stopping and falling defeated at her sides as she turned away from him abruptly, "I'll always have this rock in my lungs. I'll never breathe right, for as long as I exist."

With the whole room watching her in stunned silence, Vanessa walked out of the room before any of them could see her tears fall.


Yoongi didn't bother to knock before quietly entering Vanessa's room. knowing she wouldn't have answered if he did. Her hurt feelings and residual anger were palpable, even doors and halls away from where she sat, silently watching the world outside from her window. He brought a fresh cup of the tea he'd noticed she liked, replacing the cold one that sat beside her already. She barely acknowledged his presence, only sighing at the bow he gave before he turned to leave again.

He stopped, looking back at her, "You know," he looked at her with a tilted head, "I have a few favors owed to me by the council. I don't have enough pull to get you out of here for good...but I could maybe convince them to let me take you out for a bit?" He smiled at her straightened posture, knowing she heard him, "Maybe I could take you on a date?"

"And why would you so that?" she intoned quietly, "Take out a monster like me? Treat me like I deserve to be given kindness?"

It was Yoongi's turn to sigh, "You're not a monster," he replied, sitting beside her in the window seat, "You did some things without thinking of the consequences, didn't bother to learn some other things. Was it shitty of you?" he chuckled, "Sure. But was it filled with malintent?" he shook his head, "No. It was the first selfish act in the face of living for yourself for the first time. It became a habit...and that sucks...but it's not something you did to hurt anyone. In fact, you thought you weren't hurting anyone."

"Impact is greater than intent," Vanessa answered, "Any psychology major can tell you that."

"True," he nodded, "But they'll also tell you that any habit, no matter how deeply ingrained, can be trained out."

"How? It's been millennia."

Yoongi gave her a winning, full-toothed smile, "Come on that date with me," he rumbled lightheartedly, "And I'll show you."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now