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Vanessa's nose twitched as she slept, making her delve back into the real world from her soft dreamscape. Her mind took a few seconds to catch up with her body, realizing she had already sat up and started to move from the bodies crowding her on the bed. Her eyes blinked, snapping open as she registered what it was that had woken her up.



"Get up," she bit out sternly, getting up and nearly knocking Jeongguk out of the bed in the process.

Her ears perked as she heard men yelling in the distance, outside the house. She rushed to the window that looked over the expanse of land to the side of the house, fearing she would see the riot of people she'd seen many times before - the throng of angry humans bent on driving the 'demon' or 'witch' back to the hell.

Instead, she saw a lone man, standing in the middle of the field, blue mask barely discernable at the distance. He tilted his head at her presence, nodding once in her direction before disappearing in a motion that was too fast even for her supernatural eyes. 

Shouts from inside the house snapped her attention away from the stranger, the voices of house staff and her friends reminding her that there was a more clear and present danger. She turned quickly, seeing Jimin and Jeongguk getting up and throwing clothes onto their bodies as they yelled for her to do the same. Their words barely made sense as they bounced off of her ears.




Her body moved swiftly, yet mechanically as she found the clothes she needed, a large t-shirt and a pair of jeans. She didn't need protection from the cold, just to be covered enough to handle whatever misfortune was happening at that moment. Jin burst through the bedroom door, encouraging the three to move faster, to get out of the house and gather safely as quickly as possible. 

Outside of the room was chaos. People running toward the front exit, only to find it blocked and moving to find another way out. The smoke burned her eyes, but Vanessa resisted the urge to flee and save herself above all else. She had mates to protect, friends to protect, and for the first time she actually cared that everyone involved survived. Holding tightly to Jimin's hand, she followed Jin and Jeongguk through the corridors, flames licking at walls in rooms as they passed, finally making it back up to the second story to a room adjacent to the one they had originally been sleeping in. Jin wasted no time breaking the large, ornate window, giving them all a gasp of fresh air just before he started ushering them through. 

They insisted Vanessa go first, guiding her as she easily leapt down and landed on the loamy lawn. Jeongguk followed after, the two of them catching humans as Jimin practically tossed them out the window, screaming and kicking only to cry out in relief as they found their safety in the arms of the vampires. 

The minutes ticked by, making Vanessa more agitated and antsy as she realized that fire was consuming more and more of the house. Her heart beat frantically, the sight of Jimin and Jin at the window only spiking her anxiety when yet another human was brought through before they could descend. She caught the scared creatures, not bothering to give them any more thought than to safely set them on the ground, her eyes never leaving the opening that was slowly become more alight with flames from inside the house.

Finally, Jimin jumped and landed smartly on the ground, followed immediately after by Jin. Jeongguk took her hand, pulling her along as the four of them coughed and ran toward the front of the house to meet up with the others. They found more humans there, each calling out the names of friends, family, and loved ones as everyone searched for their people and prayed they had made it out alive. 

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now