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"Ta-da!" Jin flourished his hands like a a game show model, "You're gift, my fair lady."

Vanessa gasped as she entered the small cement shed, her hand moving to her heart but her face screwing up in confusion, "You got people?" She looked at the rest of the guys, some with beaming smiles, some with stern scowls, "I don't think they taste any better than normal people, guys. That's just a myth that -"

One of the captive ladies cried out in horror as another bound man sneered, "Of course she thinks we're food," he spat, "A monster like her has no regard for humanity!"

Yoongi walked over, casually punching the man in the nose without so much as blinking. Namjoon stepped forward more aggressively, glaring at the sniveling, bleeding man.

"You want to talk to us about humanity?" his voice was quiet, yet filled with rage, "You, who sent your elite militia to steal our queen? to hurt her?" His fists clenched at his sights as he glared at each of the six people in turn, "You didn't even know who was leading your own men, who was influencing you and your precious Council, and the humanity he sacrificed to get into such a position to do so!"

"We-we didn't know!" the other women broke into frantic sobs, "Ari was...he came with all the credentials! We did a background check! We -"

"Gave him the power for revenge," Taehyung stepped up to her aggressively, "You handed him an army, one that he used to try to take Vanessa away and do whatever he wanted with her. And when he couldn't do that, he took one of us, the very vampires who have done nothing but work with you for peace."

"Peace?" the man with a broken nose scoffed wetly, "You think that you would have ever gained you're so-called version of peace with her in your midst? You think you can control a feral killer like her?"

"I think I trust her ideals and morals a hell of a lot more than I do yours," Namjoon stood to tell with authority, "I think that the Council has become too powerful, too high up on their horses."

"As evidenced by your current attitudes," added Yoongi with a smirk, "And the reason you're here instead of your plush mansions and estates."

"Wh-what do you plan to do with us?" the youngest man looked at the group of the vampires with wide eyes.

"Let the Queen decide," Yoongi shrugged, giving Vanessa a winning smile, "You idiots let someone try to decide her fate. She gets to decide yours."

"You broke you promise," the first woman yelled out, apparently having recovered her faculties, "You said she would be mated before you let her rule your kind!"

"And she is," Jeongguk smiled, standing next to Vanessa and pulling her collar down to expose his mark, "To me."

"To a Born?" the bleeding man looked disgusted, "You think that the Council would be quelled with two disasters mating? You think we would have ever accepted such a gross violation of nature?!"

Vanessa's glare stopped the man' rant, effectively silencing the entire room as her aura pushed and pulsed with her anger. She wasn't mad that the crusty shits were calling her names or saying things about her like she was a monster. She had heard it all before, for centuries and more, how she was the worst of the worst. She'd heard it in the voices of passersby, saw it in the eyes of those who confronted her face-to-face, and even on the wind as her reputation preceded her from place to place. She could take it all in stride, with a smile on her face even, she could take every hateful word they could say about her. And she would.

What she would not take, was so much as an ill-formed sentence in regards to her mates.

"Yoongi," she smiled at her next potential mate and lover, "Kook," she looked up at smiled at her mate with bright eyes, "Read 'em."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now