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"Mommy is gonna miss you but you're gonna have fun with grandpa and Angie I promise you that", I put Blue in her car seat. I was kind of emotional seeing how cute she was I didn't want to go now.

"The faster you say good bye the faster you can enjoy your event without shame", my dad said, "It will be good for both of you she gets to bond with other people and more exposure to people and you get time to be with friends and your age"

"Bye Blue Blue", I kissed her and waved she just smiled.

"I'll see you later Bumblebey go have fun dance a lot and go be a teen for the day", my dad said.

"Take good care of her make sure Angie knows her schedule if anything you know all you gotta do is call me", I said.

"yes now go get ready", he waved.

I made it back into my apartment tearing up slightly realizing she would not be with me, then I saw my outfit. I had to go I have been planning this for so long and everyone is expecting me to go. I decided to get dress and do my make up with some music to hype me up and prepare me for the day. The song I chose Are You That Somebody by Aaliyah only the best of the best, it was perfect for this time. I was singing this song with my chest I became Timbaland as well you know I was really feeling myself and then there was knocking at my door. 

I went to the door to see my mom at the door with the I am ready to fight you look all over her face. I debated opening the door for a second but I knew she wouldn't leave and she is crazy. 

"Hello mom what brings you buy", I smiled.

"Yes I need to know as why you can't take care of your own child unlike a good mom", she said looking me up and down.

"I am going somewhere and Blue can't come it isn't like it is a illegal dad is watching her for now and Angie is going to watch later on."

"Where you going dressed like that you wanna end up pregnant again, I thought I raised you a lot better. Kelly's parents wouldn't approve of this."

"Yes because clothes make you pregnant, get to your point why are you here", I said.

"Why haven't you showed up to my shop I told you already you have to go back to work", she said.

"I am not going back I will not work for you anymore you fired me and that's the end of that. I am not your puppet you might wanna hire other people bet tons are applying for your job", I said.

"You owe me it you're my daughter", she said.

"I don't owe you anything at all or anymore goodbye", I slammed the door in her face. 

I walked back to my room feeling the main character vibes I was emitting everywhere to finish my look. I looked that time and my friends should be arriving soon Kelly texted me letting me know she was on her way with her family. I called Shawn who was barely getting up and ready to I sent him a list of things he should bring for the day.

After I put the final touches I made sure my bag was packed with the vital stuff, I packed a mini first aid kit, snacks, water, chargers, and a bunch of other stuff. I know how these events are, I have been to many with my parents and their business.

I heard a knock on my door and I checked it was Kelly and her parents on the side talking so I opened the door. My mom was right there trying to start with them about how I was a bad influence it was kind of irritating. The Rowland's knowing the whole story and history with my mom were having none of it they put all the blame on my mom.

"Look mom I already told you I am not working with you or for you, I don't owe you anything. You are harassing the Rowlands for no reason so either you leave or I will have to call security to escort you out. I prefer you leave and avoid the pain but if you don't leave I won't hesitate to call them up" I warned.

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