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It was lunch time and everyone was talking about the cops situation I was minding my own business walking my way to pick Blue for lunch. She was ready to see me she practically jumped into my arms and I was so happy she did that.

We made our way to the lunchroom and I was joined by Shawn then Kelly came over. She looked nervous it was funny seeing her be nervous cause that girl is bold. I didn't realize she could ever he nervous.

"Why you so jumpy K?", I asked.

"I don't know this is weird I am never nervous, I'm just waiting for Brandon to show up", she responded.

"Just chill out everything will be fine", I said.

"You're right", we got our lunch together and got to a table.
A dude walked over he looked familiar not like I have seen hom in these halls but somewhere else. Then he came to the table and I realized it was probably Brandon.

"Shawn and Beyoncé this is Brandon my boyfriend", Kelly introduced him.

"Hello I'm Beyoncé her best friend you break her heart I break you and I don't play. Do not the let the baby fool you I'll go mama bear on you."

"Ay aren't you that girl who got kicked out of Royal Highlands for getting pregnant", he asked.

"Yes I am."

"Cool everyone was going crazy to figure out what happened to you next, can't wait to tell em you didn't drop out."

"Nice hope that makes you happy", I turned my attention to the food calling me.

I went straight for the food and it was really good, then Blue got hungry. I began to feed her up until I felt someone looking at me, and usually no one looks I am at corner hidden.

"Can you please focus on your food or phone you're making me hella uncomfortable and she needs to eat up", I said.

"Maybe you should bottle feed today he isn't used to it", Kelly said.

"Umm I left the bottle in the day care for later on when she gets hungry, that isn't a possibility", I said.

"Come on it isn't that hard your food look at your girlfriend", Shawn said.

"Nah she got her whole boob out like its nothing", he said disgusted.

"Well if you're disgusted just leave and learn something I imagine your mom did that for you too", I suggested.

"Fine I'll go Kelly you coming", he asked.

"Yeah babe sorry they're making you uncomfortable", she got up.

"Really Kels you know what don't come over to my house till you get some sense into you", I said.

She walked away and I focused my attention to Blue, it blindsided me. How could she do that to me? She has seen me at every phase and how none of this is easy. Then a boy doesn't like it so neither does she and walks away.

"That boy got to go", I whispered.

"I'm with you on that she just left like that I thought she would say a lil something", Shawn said.

"Yeah and she left me real quick to hang out with her boyfriend who does that. I never let a dude come between our friendship or quality time."

"Just wait she will come to her senses, that just has her way too sprung", he said.


"So do you know what happened in the morning with the popo the day care always gets passes if they're late."

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