Thirty Seven

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2 weeks later 4 days to prom.
Moving day was here we were back in our old houses all the flood damage was fixed. We had to get new beds and throw out so much because of the damage.

Today we were starting at Shawn's house building furniture while Gloria was with our little crawler. Blue was in out of rooms the floors were clean so I had no problem.

After the basic things were built Shawn and I decided to decorate his room, Blue was taking her nap while we set up his room again.

"The last time we were in here we were setting your room up, we going round two", I winked.

"Yeah I know, well now we know how to set it up. Thank you for helping me out I really appreciate it."

"Anything for my love", I smiled.

"Now to putting the sheets on the bed", he threw me the first sheet.

We flipped it around a few times till we had the perfect angle, the rest of the bed was a breeze. After making it presentable we laid down together, I had my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat. He was running his hands through my hair. This felt nice just him and I no friends with us I felt like I could be in this position forever. I wish we didn't have to separate like every 10 minutes before someone came in to bust us up.

I knew there was concern from all our families, I had one kid they didn't want us having a second one. They feared we would get a chance we would have a kid. I feared our relationship would become complicated if I even was ready. I still have trauma.

Well I fell asleep on him, I was super comfortable and he seemed to be comfortable. I heard his snores. Blue was asleep and there was no rush for the day.

Gloria POV
The house was looking nice coming together, my room was set well. We had the lving room back to normal I felt grateful to be back in my home.

Shawn and Beyoncé are amazing help they were building furniture bringing stuff in from the car and helping me arrange it. I gave them a chance to work on Shawns room together, I know they needed privacy to bond even with Blue there.

When I went in Shawns room to check on them I saw them both asleep, Blue was waking up. They both looked like they needed that nap, I picked up Blue to avoid waking them up.

For a baby she is a sweet heart, she has never been scared of me. I decided to make some food for dinner while letter her play in the little pen she had set up by her mom.

Looking at her I thought of Beyoncé being a mom so young she was very responsible. Her daughter never missed any essentials she was going to the doctors and check ups regularly. It amazed me at 16 she was able to do all that and mainly by herself. She was very inspiring, I remember being in her shoes and the uncertainty. I hope to protect them from having more kids right now. I can be a helicopter but I know they know Im looking out for them even when my request seem so strict.

I cant imagine them ever breaking up, I think what they have is something that lasts a lifetime. I might be wrong but I have predicted these types of love for a long time. I might of this expiration date my husband had set so long ago but that was okay.

I turned on the radio to a channel that played old classics while cooking a meal. Once dinner was ready I went over to wake up Bey and Jay who already were awake. They were just watching sole tv quietly.

"Hey I got dinner ready come on we got to feed you two", I said.

"We're not really little kids like that." Shawn responded.
"Speak for your self I have never had my mom say that I might have a kid but   I still a kid myself." Beyoncé defended.

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