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We finally decided for Gloria and I to have an interview it was long after I promised it to her. I waited it out until my parents were sort of okay with certain things out. They can only hide it for so long the truth always comes out. We decided to film and write the interview to be as open and raw. I haven't shared most of this stuff I knew it was gonna be a shock.

Gloria and I got ready together in the AirBnB we were renting doing our make up and our hair together. I wanted it to be as home vibe as much as possible. We just avoided filming in my place for safety reasons. Shawn was on the side of the camera watching everything trying to be there for me and watching Blue for me.

Here we goooo.

Interviewing Beyoncé Knowles

Texas has many well known rich families some families barely known others in the eyes of the public similar to royalty. It is always of big concern to know what goes on their minds and their daily mind at times. Some of these family keep deep secrets of how they got to their place we will never know. They might live normal lives just like us and we could be oblivious. 

The Knowle's family has been in the spotlight for many years Matthew Knowles a famous producer, Tina Knowles the fashion designer they have made millions together and separately. They have one daughter together a young girl mysterious to the world almost a secret child that everyone knew. As she grew up everyone knew her as Addelyn every interview and special that is all everyone would call her. It was not until a few months ago she made her name known as Beyoncé that wasn't the end she was also first time mom. 

What was her life like? No one knows. Is she still with her parents? Who knew.

While on my journey to discover about the rich learn if they would spill any secrets or admit any wrong, I stumbled across this teenager. One day I told my son we were going to spend the day at the pool in our neighborhood. I arrived first there was this beautiful young girl sitting in shallow area for babies with her child. She smiled at me as she watched over her daughter carefully and I was intrigued. I went over to her we had a quick chat about her daughter then my son joined me at the poolside. He already knew her from going to school and she opened up more about herself. She was Beyoncé Knowles.

I got to know her but my son made me promise not to write about her anything unless I had explicit consent from her. This was a big opportunity to put my feedback but I refused with the personal connections we had. She already knew I was a journalist and she had a fear to me so I let her know I wouldn't sneak to write my cover story. Beyoncé approached me and asked me to do an interview for when she was ready soon enough here we are this her story

"What made you want to do an interview?"

Well half because my parents said it was time to talk and tell my story, I had to get a lot of approval to really say everything. I did not want to hold back so I needed to wait a little bit longer. I am also ready to share everything. I also was familiar with you in person and I caught up with your work so it was a no brainer.

"So the first concern you had a baby and you are a teen?"
Yes I am sixteen and I am a mom to my daughter she is less than a year old. I know a lot of people are thinking how I am a bad influence or dishonor to my family. Yet I have been responsible watching my daughter everyday and attending school with straight A's. She doesn't go hungry or miss anything she is a happy sassy baby. 

"Has your relationship with your parents been affected by having a baby?"
Yes it has both of my parents were caught off guard my dad was the first to step in and offer help, my mom didn't want nothing to do with me. I had to move out and my dad helped me settle in my new place. It has been interesting to see how they have both reacted and been there. It isn't easy when you are teen mom it affects everyone around you.

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