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It's not the fact that I don't love you no more but I gotta break this bad habit
Can't take his bad habit no more - Bad Habit Destiny's Child

"Where's my baby", I yelled panicking.

"She is with your neighbor, I need you to relax", the paramedic said. 

"I need to see my baby where is she?", I looked around everywhere hyperventilating. 

"take a deep breathe your neighbor is coming over", he said to me, "you don't want her to see you like this"

I survived and I am alive my baby is with my neighbor this whole thing is close to being over this nightmare of my life. I had to calm down he was right Blue couldn't see me like this, I was taking deep breathes when Shawn came over holding Blue. 

"I want you to hold your daughter and relax but I need to do a quick check up on your vitals."

"Okay" I took a deep breathe.

 He worked fast but I knew that this was about to be a long night filing reports if I even can. I'm not really allowed to talk about Cyrus because of a contract that his family made me sign. The main thing to me was holding my beautiful daughter again and I could tell she was missing me. 

"See momma is a fighter Blue... I think she's hungry, my mom changed her diaper a while ago it was quite bad. How are you feeling?", Shawn said. 

"I'm relieved to be holding my baby and that I survived, it's a lot of stuff at this moment but my baby is top priority. Thank you for watching her or whoever did I don't know what I do if something happened to her", I ran my hand through my daughters curly hair. 

"No problem I'm glad you are well and he's arrested now, what are your plans on handling the situation?", he asked. 

"Time to get the lawyers involved because it's delicate in the situation for sure I am filing a report. The police are about to begin getting evidence any second I might have to go to the hospital for more examining but they're just bruises and the busted lip."

"Was he here before is it my fault this happened?", he asked. 

"He showed up out of nowhere we haven't seen each other for about a year no way this could ever be your fault. I gotta feed her you don't mind it right?", I asked. 

"No but here there are many people here", he handed me his sweatshirt to cover Blue. 

The cops then came and began to ask me questions and take pictures, I called my dad to tell him what happened. He was quick to come down with our lawyer things and help me press charges without getting sued by Johnson family. I was filling papers out for good hour after the cops left it was like midnight by the time we finished. Shawn stayed by my side even though I told would be fine doing this without him, we had school tomorrow. 

"You wanna stay home tomorrow?", my dad asked. 

"Can I let you know tomorrow?", I asked back. 

"Yeah but don't pressure yourself to go to school, take it easy baby girl", he kissed my forehead and left. 

"You are feeling good and alright to be alone?", Shawn asked. 

"Not really but I wanna get over this maybe I can sleep... go home get sleep don't worry about me", I said

"I can stay you just went through a lot and if you need someone I'm here, my mom taught me to be a helper in any situation. I don't mind staying if you need someone but if you rather be alone I am out", he told me. 

"Can you stay the night?", I asked. 

"Yeah I gotchu", he said, "Are you going to sleep right now?"

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