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School was done for the day I was on my ride home relieved to be not with so many kids around me, I didn't have to hear snarky comments anymore. I would like to switch schools but it be the same anywhere I go I am a teen mom. 

"How was the first day bumble bey?", my dad asked.

"It was okay you know everyone had something slick to say I almost dragged a few people but then I remember I am mom and don't got time for the pettiness.", I told him.

"how was minibey?", he asked. 

"She did very good I think its because she was sleeping on me and so close to my boobs", I said and he laughed.

"You refused to sleep anywhere except on top of your momma the first week, it was a rough week that time."

"I don't know what was wrong with me", I mumbled. 

"Hey don't be like that yeah your mom might be horrible but once upon a time she was there for you 24/7 remember that time."

"You're right I gotta be some what grateful for her and I got myself into this whole being a mom.", I said.

"Things are weird they will get better... here you are home get rest and stay on top of your homework bumblebey", he parked in front of my house. 

I brought Blue down with my stuff trying to get inside as fast possible, it was a little hard with all my things. The first thing I did was switch out of the dress and get into my very comfortable maternity leggings, I might not be pregnant but they're so comfortable I am never getting rid of these. 

I texted Shawn to let him know I was available to finish the work meanwhile I cooked up a lunch for me and stored the milk I had made in school. He texted me back that he was on his way so I made sure to save him some food just incase he was hungry. It was not even ten minutes before he was at my door knocking. 

"Welcome to my house please take your shoes off and make yourself at home" I said showing him the shoe rack.

"You know that I'm your neighbor, I just found that out when I looked at your address", he said taking off his shoes.

"No way I didn't know that I mean I've been a little hermit crab since I got here and then I gave birth and went out less", I said.

"Same thing my mom has been out and about so she knows more around here. She was surprised I actually decided to go somewhere and do something rather than play games."

"That's crazy when did you move here... wait before that do you want lunch I just cooked some food?" I said. 

"I am a little hungry why not", he responded. 

I had made fettuccini alfredo with some chicken I knew for a fact it was good I have perfected my recipe for many months. I served him and I a plate and put our plates on the table, then I grabbed some water for me. 

"What do you wanna drink?" I asked him. 

"what you got?" 

"Lemonade, Coke, Pepsi, sprite, Canada dry, and squirt", I said.

"I'll get lemonade and you must be a soda addict."

"I drink soda once a week actually it is mainly there for my friends when they come over, I keep my fridge stocked always. If you ever get bored or lonely 90% of the time I am here and got people over so you can come just let me know ahead of time", I explained.

"Alright and thank you ain't no one ever said something so nice", he smiled. 

I gave him a glass of lemonade he began eating while I quickly went to check on Blue before eating she was sleeping so I left her alone. I went back to my table and wasted no time into digging into my food and it was so good today. I could tell Shawn enjoyed it by the time I returned the plate was half eaten. 

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