Thirty Six

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"How do they open the school so fast, it just aint right. Your house is still going through repairs", Kelly complained.

"It's been a week my house is almost done it makes sense, if not prom cant happen.", I reasoned with her.

"Right but we got to test all these days its a torment for us."

"What's a torment?", Shawn popped up.

"She said schools a torment to her, she aint wrong but like we got to get it over with", I explained.

"We still in a hotel, so I agree with her. I miss heing able to walk next door and visit you", he wrapped his arms around me.

"And now you two are being all cute this morning, give me a break.", Kelly whined.

"I miss you too, I have been stuck with her too long, do you see the sass?", I teased.

"I can send you to a hotel no problem", Kelly said.

"No no I'm just messing with Kelly, think about it school is ending soon. We got prom next Friday and the week after that is the end. They were going to extend the end date", I reminded.

"That's true."

The bell rang. It was time to get back into class and all the teachers were talking about the storm. I didn't add much to the conversation, I took the time to study befote we were being handed finals.

The teachers werent too graceful besides saying somehow there houses were worse than us because we were rich. I mean it depended not everyone was super rich but most of us were well off. Not to mentions repairs take time and not including the time flooding would go down. If it was a competition I would have waited to leave my house and get a sob story, just so they could shut up.

The exams were not to hard, I felt really prepared for everything on these test. Studying distracted me from my current house conditions, a win for me.

At lunch time I decided I would continue bringing Blue with me, it was something that helped me. I saw some moms avoid bringing their kids and others sitting with their child while they ate and did homework.

Some kids talk bad about us they will say we should be with them others say we shouldn't show our kids. They just don't know what it is to be in our shoes or our story, the mothers will always be bad.

I used to say getting pregnant was my fault when really it wasn't, it takes two. Yet I was coerced into this situation and people say you can always avoid that's not true. There are so many factors.

We are off topic lunch today everyone was look at this girl with her low cut top, boobs everywhere like where not used to it. Every girl breastfeeds some people make a big deal about it, the baby is literally eating and it brings comfort to the baby.

It was my name and Shawn's name everywhere with her name, I was so confused I am pretty sure she just showed up like three weeks ago. It was just weird and I didn't know what was going on. I decided to sneak back out tonthe day care area, I did not need that tension.

"You know soon you're responses will be words no you give me sass with your sounds. I am excited but emotional for that.", I looked at Blue who was laying on my chest.

She was a little clingy today, truth be told I was too. I knew I'd be headed to class soon leaving her, we had been together nonstop for about a week. It was enough to miss having her all day.

"Now sure we want to be together all day and you love being with me. I don't want to leave you but I have some classes left and I will be back have fun and play with your toys.", I let her know.
I returned her with the caretakers their, she was crying. My heart was hurting today all the emotions hit more today and I wanted to run out with her.

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