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One Week Later...

"Okay what did I miss what's new... are you dating yet?", Kelly asked bursting into my house.

"We'll damn not even a hi or hey I missed you, I brought you this from Mexico" I said.

"I missed you Bey... I got you these and then I got Blue this", she said jumping on top of me.  She had the bags on the side of me I was trying push her off and she was resisting.

"Girl get off me I gotta hold Blue all day as it is", I said.

"But I love you boo", I pushed her off.

"We aren't dating yet idiot we known each other what like less than a month, we both on the same page we like each other."

"Ouu yes abd Mexico was good to me I met this dude from our school who was there. We had so much fun together our parents got along pretty well, it was nice. And he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes", she said.

"Slow down Kels do I get to meet him?", I asked.

"Yeah when we go to school tomorrow you'll meet him, he's really nice you'll like him", she said, "And I didn't forget to get bring you both a lil something. I got you this dress and some jewelry all from a nice lady who hand makes everything. I also got some outfits and toys for Blue here you go."

"Aww thank youu Kels you know we both will be rocking them", I said.

"I know you now I sadly have to leave early my boo wants to hang out with me", she said getting up.

"So soon we didn't even get to spill any tea", I whined.

"Tomorrow after school I will stay the night and we cab catch up", she said.

"Okay okay you promise?"

"Promise!!", she exclaimed before leaving.

I walked out with her to make sure she got in the car her parents waved at me and I waved back. I was kind of sad that we couldn't really hang out. My gut was telling me there was something fishy about this relationship and it wasn't Kelly. I was already getting bad vibes from this dude and I didn't like this feeling.

Shawn texted me if I could go to the store and I hopped in an uber and headed to the store. I was getting my first car soon because I can drive now, I just needed my ID. I was excited now I can drive to appointments and anywhere I wanted to go.

He only want cough drops because he said he was feeling better so I got him that and some vitamin C to help him fully be better. I also got them both a few extra things I was glad they were both feeling better because we could hang out.

At the store I bumped into my ex I was confused and scared I thought he moved away.

"What are you doing here?", I asked.

"I live in this city obviously don't think you own this city", he responded.


"Wait how do you look so good after a baby you don't look that fat just extea curvy."

"Got a cease and desist on you and your family", I walked away with Blue.

We got to the line estatic to get out of the store, I was ready to leave and be far away from him. I didn't realize he was still here he probably lost the scholarships with all the charges on his name.

We finished at the store and I made my way over to the Carter's house since they were feeling better. They were just chilling watching tv and they didn't mind Blue and I joining.

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