Twenty Eight

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Fridays hit hard, it is the day I least want to go to school. Blue was feeling better from a few days ago and she had a tiny tooth coming in. It was adorable however I had to switch to bottle feeding. A little sad few days because that tooth came really fast and I couldn't continue breast-feeding.

I was slightly emotional there were moments in the past two days I left class in tears thinking about it. You think it isn't a big deal however it is the biggest thing you form such a bond with your baby.

Blue and I were both being extra clingy to each other she needed me to hold her every second. I took her to some of my classes for that reason.

Today we were feeling better. Tuesday wasn't bad. Wednesday the reality and the pain hit. Thursday I tried all I could and I just could. Friday I am coming to reality it is ok.

I dressed in old clorhes I used to wear new clothes were starting to fit me and I was getting more comfortable in my body. I was feeling great.

"Bey you ready to leave?", Vanessa asked.

"Yeah I got my keys, whose car we going in?", I asked.

"You drive I don't feel like driving", she said.

I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car, I had my license officially having a daughter and being emancipated meant I could drive anyone. For now me and some of my friends I wasn't gonna drive the whole school.

I put Blue in her car seat and then strapped her in making sure she was secured. Vanessa was taking care of Natalia handling her. They were both being very relaxed this morning and the looked adorable together.

At school we let our babies go to day care and us to meet up with the rest of our friends. Everyone was very chill, Jay was gone no sign of him and he wasn't reading his messages either. That was straight up not like him he always at least read my texts.

"Hey Ty where is Shawn?", I asked.

"I don't know he hasn't text me so he probably dead. Rip", he chuckled.

"DEAD?!!", I asked.

"Yeah RIP Jazzy", he laughed, "he's not dead I just have no idea where he is at. He probably still asleep don't worry his momma always checks is he's home before leaving to work. She will wake him up. He might be late."

"Hopefully he shows up.", I said.

"I joke too much don't take me seriously, I am only serious in the absolute most necessary situation."

"Gotcha gotcha", I nodded.

"So what fun stuff is there around this area my momma is trying to figure out family stuff.", he said nervously.

"I know a few places Miligans, Sky Zone, Dave and Busters, a small fair that never leaves. I'll send you there locations", I said.


Kelly was running through the halls dashing people left and right then her ex was chasing her with a poster. I ran ahead following her before stopping her.
Home dud shubbed that poster in pur face and I pushed him back.

People caught on and we ended up in the cafeteria with a bunch of cameras in our face. Kelly stopped and let him ask.

"Give me one more chance our pove was great. Will you go to prom with me?", he said.

"No, I am not going to prom. I know you're never gonna change just the fact you chased me in here proved my suspicion. You can't get me to be your date.", she starting walking.

Girls were gasping and ready to fight for him some girls were trying to get her to rethink.

"You know what!!!", she paused. They all looked at her.

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