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I ended up not going to school yesterday just because I was so tired, but Shawn did go to school I didn't want him to miss. I was thankfully able to sleep in because Blue was exhausted as well so we slept a long time. I did some cleaning yesterday that helped me to keep my mind of things I also did some workouts.

 Now today I was once again in school keeping myself on track with all my classes. I also decided to slowly increase the amount of classes I don't have Blue because I knew I wasn't going to pay enough attention. It was a hard decision at first to make but I knew that it be the best choice for both of us. 

Kelly knew what had happened because I told her yesterday after school when she came over to hang out with. Drake kind of knew something happened but hadn't known the whole story I told him and he understood. They were both really sweet to me like always although Drake just appeared recently which I don't mind. I don't mind only having a few friends it is easier to keep tabs on each other and I know they care about me. 

I had Blue for my child development class because she fits in with many of the lessons it benefits Shawn and I because we're partners for the whole semester. It was a class we could really be together and I have gotten used to giving her a bottle in that class. 

"My partners are early today what a surprise", Shawn said.

"It's only my second day and it's because I am about to feed her right now, plus we're gonna be apart for longer time", I said taking a seat next to him. 

"You just gonna pop your boob out in front of so many teenagers with hormones flying everywhere, you're bold."

"I would never ever do that I am using a bottle to feed her it is much easier to do that", I pulled the bottle out. 

"Ohh you should let me try that I have always wanted to do it", he said eagerly. 

"Here support her neck hold her tightly" I placed her in his hands and gave him the bottle. 

"Just give her the bottle you should be good, and I need a picture of this moment", I took my phone out taking picture of them together. 

Blue was slightly confused over Shawn feeding her you could see it all over her face. The teacher looked at us as he entered he smiled and threw a thumbs up, we were definitely passing this class. The bell rang and that meant I had plenty of work to catch up to now which was not what i wanted to do. 

Hours later

I was finally home with plenty of homework to catch up you miss one day and everything just stacks up like crazy. I wanted to keep my striaght A record going this was gonna be a slight challenge as soon as the court dates begin. Kelly came home with me so she could watch Blue with me she didn't have any homework because she was on her A game.

"So where is your dad at?", she asked. 

"He went on a vacation with my mom, it caught me offguard not him going on vacation but the fact my mom went."

"She getting that vitamin D maybe that will fix her attitude", Kelly smirked.

"Eww I don't want to be hear about that I just think she needs a break from working my dad told me after I was born things changed completely.", I stated. 

I didn't like bringing up my mom in conversations we never get along no matter how hard I tried. As a kid you have the strong desire to get approval and it was never going to happen. She was really abusive towards me and then led me to date an abusive man. I didn't hate her to the fullest extent I couldn't although I do have resentment of all the pain she has cause me.

"Who knows I just hope she changes and becomes a better person", Kelly said.

"Don't we all but I doubt one vacation will fix her maybe a few and therapy might though", I chuckled. 

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