Twenty Three

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Normally I am all up and lets fight the world take on the day and today I haven't really gotten out of bed. I just fed Blue and ate some food to have more milk for her. Burn out is what it is.
You can only handle so much pressure and craziness in life before you crash it is like the caffeine rush drops out of nowhere. Today was that day.

Everyone was at school well coming home soon Shawn texted me he was coming to visit me. I was waiting for him because I was bored today he could probably entertain me.

My door bell rang so I got up and went to the door, there he was standing alone.

"Hi Jay Jay where is Vanessa?", I hugged him.

"Detention, she didn't stop talking so she got a good while in detention", he said.

"Oh how are you?", I said.

"Good glad to be out of school"

We made our way inside into my room because there was were Blue was. I had the tv on and I was lookimg for something interesting to watch.

"Why didn't you go to school today?", he asked.

"I didn't feel like it I just needed a day off", I said.

"Couldn't be me I'm trying to keep myself up to date. I thought you was gonna be there for TyTys first day." He said.

"Missing one day will not hurt anyone Shawn, I forgot sorry tomorrow I will be there" I responded.

"Sure look I got your homework and it is a lot now you gotta take a late pop quiz for math", he handed me the homework.

"Dude I could of gotten all that tomorrow you didn't have to."

"Well someone has to keep you on track", I was ready to slap him.

"Get out of my house Shawn. Take the homework with you.", I said.

"Why what did I do wrong?", he asked.

"You're the genius staying on task you tell me when you figure it out. Go home do your things maybe come back later or tomorrow. I don't want to start a big fight." I pointed to the door.

"You serious?"

"As a stroke, go home."

"Fine see you"

I walked him out just to make sure my door got locked I don't want someone breaking in.
Shawn POV
After leaving Bey's house I went straight home, she was tripping so hard today. I am just trying to keep her on track with all the work.

Walking in my mom was at the kitchen counter making a list. I waved at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Bey thought it waa girlfriend day?", she asked.

"Nah she was being moody and kicked me out."

"What you mean moody what happened?", she asked.

"Really ma do you need all the details?"

"Sounds like you being moody to me don't get disrespectful you not too old to get a whoopin.", she glarred at me.

"I went over there she wasn't at school and I was gonna see if she was okay. She is good. I asked her why she missed and she said cause she wanted to miss. Then I told her she needs to stay on track and I brought her homework too. She got mad at me for that. She also promised to be there on TyTys first day and she missed school. She told me to leave."

"And who are you paw patrol? The hall monitor? Up until today have you missed school even when you weren't sick for something else?", she asked.

I looked at her dumbfounded real quiet I just helped TyTy move.

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