Thirty Nine

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Today was the day it was prom, the hair prep and house prep began early. I made sure my house was cleaned from top to bottom and warned all the members of the house not to make a mess including the babies.

Natalia and Blue were at the age where they played together and could keep each other entertained. So they were in a play pen while Vanessa kept an eye on them as she finished the past pieces of school before graduation.

I was so impressed she finished school so fast given everything going on in her life. I am happy to see things are getting better for her she is getting somewhere in her life. I couldn't help but feel stagnant Blue should be some super genious and I should be doing some epic mom quest.

"I can't believe they're growing so much, they're thriving look at them Bey", Vanessa said.

"Yeah they're doing so great, and I am so proud of you. You're an inspiration you never gave up now you're graduating and moving to LA.", I said.

"I am proud of you too, look at you reestablishing a better relationship with your parents. You have set healthy boundaries and you have a prosperous relationship. That takes a lot of work.", she said

"Yeah thats true", I smiled.

You know life is about change, we are all growing and changing it was time for that next. I'm taking the next step tonight.

"So what are you guys doing after prom?", I asked.

"We got a hotel room gonna have a mini-vacation for the weekend, Natalia is staying with a tia of mine who wanted to watch her over the weekend.", she said.

"Okay I see you, y'all be careful", I winked.

"And you?", she asked.

"Well were coming back to my place he's staying over here. Blue will be at my cousins house, we will have some quality sleep"

"We both know neither of us will be sleeping", she laughed.

"Exactly... love that for us. It's been a while.", I said.

"Not for me", she winked.

"Okay okay tmi, I think this is a good time to get ready. At least gotta start the make-up."

"Make up time, let me get my stuff and join you", she said.

I went over to my room and began to go through my makeup, there was a knock on the door. Kelly was here with her makeup bag and dress, she was joining us to get ready.

"Hey girlies, I see y'all aint trying to get ready without me", she looked at us.

"Never, come on in gotta use the big mirror in my room", I said.

Blue was also wide awake, I could hear her screeching for me in the room. I went and picked her up, we all arranged ourself in front of the mirror with smaller mirrors around us.

"So we attending any parties tonight? Or gonna get some food?", Kelly asked.

"Kobe and I are hitting up a hotel", Vanessa answered.

"Oh Damn, excuse me y'all got your own after party... gotta get back in that life.", Kelly answered.

"What are you doing kelly?", I asked sitting Blue up on my lap.

"Tim invited me to a party afterwards, I want to go but I don't wanna go alone.", she looked at me, "it will be only for a while if the vibe sucks. I just don't want to be alone."

"I'll tell shawn, we'll probably go. I can't let you be alone", I said.

"Thank you, I mean I trust Tim we have been talking and he has been good. He's so refreshing just a genuinely sweet person, he doesn't freak out when I talk to people. We have been talking a lot but he better make a move.", I looked back she was busy doing her eyebrows.

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