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"Bey you can come over dinner is ready, and don't worry about my mom I told her certain things are off limits. She still doesn't know you're Addeline or any of that stuff, if she gets out of hand text me."

"I think I will be fine she was very nice in the morning, but obviously my guards are still up and ready."

I hung up putting the finishing touches on my outfit and I made sure Blue was ready to leave the house. She was asleep so I was trying my best not to wake her up, I know she was in a deep sleep so she'd be fine. I asked Shawn to help me bringing her baby swing that was the one thing she loved sleeping in. His mom told me whatever she needs I could bring with me it didn't matter to her because she knew it wasn't going to be easy. 

"This isn't that heavy give me a challenge", Shawn said. 

"That is what she sleeps in comfortably, but if you want a challenge try carrying the momaroo that is heavy", I said. 

"I'll try it later let's go before my mom yells at me", he said.

It was a quick walk over to his house obviously he lived the house next to me, I was nervous to see what his house looked like. I know it was going to be basically the same model that was for a fact, but how it was decorated I had no idea. We entered to his house and it was fel like I entered a warm loving home. It smelled like apple and cinamon and they had a huge dark grey couch set that matched their light great walls. There were slight hints of colors throughout the living it was very nice I fell in love with the concept. 

"Glad you could come Bey make yourself at home don't be shy and Jay make sure the swing is plugged", Gloria said. 

"Thank you for inviting me Ms. Carter."

"You're welcome and call me Gloria, dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Just wash your hands Jay will show you were the bathroom, and don't worry about anything", she said heading back to the kitchen.

"It is set up and connected you can now put Blue in it", Shawn said. 

I put Blue down in the swing she opened her eyes momentarily until the swing started moving around. She was going to be a sleep for quite a while and most likely going to be up in the night for a while. 

"The bathroom is over here next to my room", Shawn directed me to the bathroom and gave me a tour. 

We washed our hands and got settled in our seats watching Gloria put the food on the table. I had offered to help and she didn't allow me , she told us after dinner we would help her. 

"Did you get a lot of homework for the break?", he asked. 

"Nah but I have a lot of work to catch up from the beginning of the semester I missed after giving birth. It isn't that hard because the teachers gave me all the notes I needed, I'm going to start it tomorrow for sure. Did you get a lot?",

"Not really I do have somethings I have to catch up but it isn't a lot"

"We should join up to do it", I suggested. 

"Yeah that's a good idea, how you doing without Kelly?"

"I get bored easily since she can't be with me and I don't got other girl friends like her. My friend Nicki lives in NY and decided she staying up there for the break because she got a boo."

"Where she from?", he asked. 

"Queens although she says she got places everywhere in NY", I said. 

"Nicki Minaj she a rapper girl starting to make good money up there, ma she knows Onika"

"Girl how you know Onika?", she asked. 

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