Twenty Seven

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"Kellyyyyyy what is this atrocity here!!!", I yelled trying not to laugh.

"A half eaten slice of pizzzaaaa Beeyyy!!!", even the babies were laughing.

"Psychopath why put it back in the box that is unsanitary."

"I felt grossed out I don't know I just couldn't eat it", she said.

"Shoot reminds me of waitttttt noooo... are you pregnant.", I said looking at her stomach.

"I don't know I am two days late, I don't have a test and how dare I ask my parents that I need a test?", she said.

I went running to my bathroom to see if I had my old test stash, they were not expired so we were good.

"Here I got a few cheap test take this one and then tomorrow we test in the morning.", I handed her the tiny test.

"Take one with me you have 5 I am scared I don't know how to take it", she handed me the test.

"We bout to get this personal", I said.

"I saw you give birth your legs up and Blue popping out what do you mean we getting this close", she was out here giving demonstrations.

"Shoot if you're pregnant and it is a girl your naming her Giselle use it as a middle name I don't care it better be there", I grabbed a test.

"You aren't scarsd you're preggo?", she asked.

"No I mean when the test is in my hand sure but I know I am not pregnant I wouldn't mess up on purpose."

"Bathrooms trip girls!!", Kelly picked up Natalia and I picked Blue up.

We brough their mat in the bathroom mainly because Natalia was trying to crawl and Blue was stuck in tummy time.
I showed Kelly how the test work and it was her turn to do it, I didn't let her stall. She needed to know.

"I am scared how long does this take, is that the line?", she asked.

"Look at mine see big line there but there isn't a second one?", I asked.


"That means not pregnant, but give it like five minutes to be safe", I told her.

"I will try not to lose my mind. I just know I can't stay with him, he is so toxic and evil. His goal everyday make me cry tear me down. He wants me to be submissive and not speak out. I am so over it."

"Dump him even if you have a baby coparent your parents are lawyers they can draft up some papers and set a plan. You don't need that mental stress and toll with or without a baby.", I said.

The alarm went off it was time to see her test, I looked at mine again still negative as it should be.

"You check for me then tell me", she said.

"You sure? Can I record just in case?",

"Yeah do it", she had her eyes closed.

I looked at the test there was no line not even faint line. I made sure of that and I stopped recording.


"YOU'RE STUPID BEY", she let out a sigh of relief bawling on the ground.

"Tomorrow in the morning you can take another test and that will be eith an official test.", I said.

"Yeah yeah, let me collect myself and dump this dude", she stood up going to the sink, "Yeah no second line no faint line either I am good."

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