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"Come on Bey just push a little harder you are almost there", Shawn said as I did my final push up.

"I hate you", I finished the last push up and collapse.

"You'll get used to the workout", he said.

I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip of the water, I also took the time time to wipe of the sweat on me. I was pretty drenched because I was really sweaty thankfully we were done and heading home.

"You showering here or at home?", He asked.

"At home I don't like public showers too many things could happen in them", I said.

"No cap there after New York I'll pass they were awful, let's go get a snack before we get home", he said.

"Yeah that be good", I said.

We made our way out of the gym to the car I was feeling the slight soreness begin to build up in me. I am glad to be done and it was nice to have time away from my baby although I was battling with missing her.

"I won't lie it feels strange to not have Blue with me, I miss her a bit"

"Aww you'll get used to it, I am pretty dure you need a break every once in a while", he said.

"Yeah it's nice having some time to myself", we got in his car.

I was kind of nervous to ask him about the festival just because there really wouldn't be adults unless his momma wanted to go. I wasn't taking Blue either my dad was planning to watch her. Kelly had met this new guy and she decided to buy extra tickets so we could all go.

"We going to get jamba juice you cool with that?", he asked.

"Yeah I haven't had that in while."

I checked my phone and Kelly sent me a picture of Blue watching tv and she was so into it. I smiled and picked some music for the car ride, I put Day N Nite it's a classic.

"What you know about this?", Shawn asked.

"Kid Cudi is good this song was an instant hit and I heard it. Don't ask me more I don't know more songs", I said.

"I'm messing with you but yeah this song is good we used to smoke to this", he said.

"You took the song to another level."

"Mhm I don't do that now though I have changed."

"Vanessa told me you used to sleep with a bunch of people.", I commented.

"She ain't lying I don't do that no more I have entered a state in my life where I just want to settle and not be dumb before I get someone pregnant that I barely know. I was always safe and smart but these girls were always trying and I wasn't about that."

"Oh did you try over here in Texas and fail?", I joked.

"No there were already some girls tryna get some but I shot them down. New state new start. It was originally New Year New Me but we're deeper into the year to say that."

"Nice you beat the system most people have forgotten their resolutions by this point, although some are quite dumb. Your resolution wasn't I am not trying judge I hope you don't take it that way." 

"Your good I am not sensitive I don't get offended easily or immediately misinterpret everything.", I rambled.

"I am glad you're like that although if I ever say anything wrong or offend you call me out set me straight. I don't wanna be that rude friend", I said. 

"You is crazy Bey you are very nice and respectful but noted"

We made it to Jamba Juice and Shawn decided to pay for our drinks I felt bad, but he didn't want to let me pay. I accepted to avoid bothering the people behind us, I still hadn't asked about the concert but that was coming up. Kelly texted me that she had gotten more tickets to invite other people just in case. The tickets were starting to disappear and she was not about to miss the opportunity. 

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