Twenty Nine

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"So you are my girls roomie, nice to meet you. My name is Kobe Bryant pretty sure Vanessa told you.", he went straight for a hug.

I did a side hug I barely knew him and I didn't know well enough if he was this friendly or not. Vanessa was here and Jay was just walking in.

"Jay whats up man.", He went straight for the dap and hug.

"You met Bey yet she's my girlfriend", Jay answered proudly. That sent m

"We were just introducing ourselves", Kobe faced back me.

"By the way he is big hugger he will usually have his arms wrapped around Vanessa.", Jay warned.

"I got it", I smiled.

I am not always shy sometimes it just hits me hard and well yeah I just stand there awkwardly.

"So how long you gonna be here?", Jay asked.

"About a month and a half then we go to LA and well the whole journey really begins.", Kobe explained.

We had already came to the agreements of them staying here saving money. Now seeing him in person I know the dynamic should be good he is very nice.

"Cool we can show you guys around the neighborhood it is a very nice place. Beyoncé has showed me everything around here she knows more places.", Jay bragged.

"Yeah I have been everywhere in Texas I know some of the best places here.", I smiled.

"Cool I can't wait to see more of Texas", he answered.

TyTy was supposed to be coming over however Jay moved us over to his house. I didn't mind since we had redecorated Shawns room he had a small area just for playing games.

Blue was also excited to be with Gloria they had a small bond and it was just the cutest thing ever. I got to hang out with everyone and Gloria got baby bonding time. TyTy finally arrived with a lady who I assumed was his mom.

She was gorgeous and had a big smile on her face and she said hi to everyone. However she skipped me. She probably didn't see me or maybe didn't notice I was there, maybe it was because she didn't know me. I will just brush it off and say hi later on.

"I got food almost cooked, go play some games hang out in Jay's room and I'll call everyone once we are ready.", Gloria said.

"I'll get Blue so she can come join the club", I said to Gloria.

"Alright, go on have fun I got my bonding time with Blue", she smiled.

As I was walking to the room I overheard Ty's mom say something.

"She aint even your grandchild why you care about her so much?", she said.

I knew who she was talking about, I felt bad. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I walked to the room and acted like it was nothing.

I set Blue on the ground near Natalia and for the first time they recognized each other and reacted to each other.

You just heard little squeels and giggle as they did random faces and movements. It was the cutest thing ever  Vanessa and I were shocked, jumping in excitement. Our babies were growing up ut was a big milestone they reached.

"Look at our babies they're gonna be amazing friends", Vanessa said.

"Yeah gonna be visiting each other and hanging out. Going to Kobe's game cheering him on", I said.

"For sure. Together front row seats", Vanessa said.

I put out a few toys for them they didn't play together but they would look at each other. It was common for them to play like that it is not until they are 2 that they will play together.

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