Chapter 8 - To Spy, or not to Spy

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-3rd Person-

Craddock and Sampson were in the office, Craddock opened the door and invited David inside, he entered and saw the other woman, but moved his eyes away to face his boss who was sitting down.

"Thank you for waiting. As you can Imagine it is pretty hectic around here." Craddock stated

"Any progress ma'am?" David wondered

"Not much. The shooter signed into Pascoe House as a tradesman using a false name. He was carrying no ID or devices. Finger prints haven't turned up as a match either." Craddock informed him.

"We'll find out, and his accomplices, if there any." David turned slightly to look at her "I'm not here eyes front" he turned back.

"You've distinguished yourself again David, I'm even thinking of putting forward for a commendation. There's even talk of a medal." she smiled at him

"Thank you Ma'am." he gave a brief nod

"Obviously Thornton Circus will have to be looked into by the IOPC, because the gun man died at the scene, but all the witnesses say you acted with complete professionalism."

"There is a 101 places I need to be." Sampson sighed, Craddock nodded

"Of course. Stephen Hunter-Dunn director general of the security service. The Home Secretary's met with him how many times in recent weeks?" Craddock wondered

"I wasn't keeping track ma'am." David replied not getting why she was asking

"They've been having almost daily conferences and keeping me out of the loop. Why?"  Sampson questioned, David thought for a moment about his conversation with Mia, the night before, but the meeting were happening before the attack.

"No Idea Ma'am." David responded but did not look at her

"She's over rulled our security advice." Craddock told David

"She's also taken the 1st October attack off us. Unjustified, unprecedented." Sampson got up and made her way into his line of sight

"This is a very dangerous, Politician. Someone who must be stopped." David turned his head to her, not believing what he was hearing but not showing his reaction to her words.

"But a Politician, who happens to regard you as her blue eyed boy. And from what I here it's not just her." Implying that she meant Mia too.

"There is a upside to the Home Secretary having you reinstated. You know everyone she meets, when where and how long. We've arranged to keep her and Ms Montague-Jones at the Blackwood, with joining rooms. However her instance is that you take a more close care of her daughter given what has just happened so you will be in the middle of two women." story of his life

"My surveillance team will issue you with the means to monitor her meetings."  Sampson added

"Is that lawful Ma'am?" David questioned. "I've got my duties as a PPO. I'd rather stick to them."

"Which one of them has you wrapped around their finger?" Sampson wondered out loud. She had seen him working and how close he seemed to becoming with his charges, however she thought it was the youngest of the two that he seemed to have bonded with more. However Craddock thought it was more of the older one

"I've seen this many times before. Minister ingratiates their self with the PPO,  a favour here, pulling strings there. You think it's out of the goodness of their heart? It's so you'll keep their secrets, no matter what." He listens to his boss, he might have thought it of the home secretary but something told him it wasn't like that with Mia, the changing of schools for Charlie, the reinstatement, yes those were done by Julia. But it became obvious that her main drive was Mia. Julia was her mother and as a parent she was trying to protect her child and others like her, who had lost everything to criminals and terrorists. He had learnt that Julia was barely scared for herself but her daughter.

Julia Montague was misunderstood.

"Our investigation is well underway into the bombing that took place right next to your kids school. We heard that the security service  had advance knowledge schools were targets. Who do they run to again? One of her team told me in stricter confidence, as soon as the school was mention she recognised the name straightaway. There is only one plausible explanation, she had been given prior intelligence it was a target. All she had to do was say the word and your kids would have been out of harms way. but she sat back and let it happen." Sampson trickled poison into his ear.


The lift dinged and opened. Julia, Mia and David walked out onto the floor passing about some security on the way, they first went to Julia's room.

"I'll be in the adjoining room. Have a good evening." he stated

"Thank you." Julia nodded but before she went in she kissed her daughters head

"Get some rest." she told her and Mia smiled

"Okay." Julia went inside and the David Moved a couple of Doors down and opened Mia's room

"Good Evening, Ma'am." Mia looked at him and smiled

"You too." she headed inside and dropped her stuff and removed her coat. She looked at the door that separated her and David, she shook her head and moved away. On the other side David stood in his room removing his tie and jacket, and listened. Julia was moving around her room and from the sounds of it make a hot drink, he heard papers rustling too, she was doing more work. The on the other side Mia went back and forth, he rubbed his face and sighed but moved toward Mia's side.

Mia stopped and turned round, her resolve on not crossing the line again was fading, fading and gone she walked over to her joining door and unlocked it. She used the handle and opened the door. David was waiting on the other side. No words were said, he moved closer to her and she pulled him into a kiss which he returned. She closed the door behind him as she moved backward, the two were kissing, clearly leading to having sex.

"Your job, my job. It just complicated everything." she panted

"Nothing complicates my job. It's to protect you"

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