Chapter Twenty One - David Comes Clean

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There was a knock at my door and I opened it, David was there.

"Come in." He entered  and I shut the door behind him. He turned round to face me.

"What did the police want?" He asked folding his arms

"Hello, to you too. My day was just peachy, I buried my mother." He softened and sighed

"I'm sorry." he apologised rubbing his face in stress. I understood this past week I've been wanting to do that constantly.

"They wanted me to answer some questions. You know they've identified the shooter at Thornton circus." I saw his demeanour change.

"What?" I questioned

"Nothing." he shook his head.

"You're lying." I could tell, he was hiding something, I wanted to know. I needed to know, i couldn't stand with lies and secrets right now, those are what got us into this trouble in the first place.

"Tell me. Tell me now because if I find out from someone else I will be pissed. Don't lie to me. Don't start whatever this is on lies." I pressed. He started to well up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was him." he started and i softened, whatever was going it really messed him up.

"What are you talking about." I sat him down.

"When I left you in the car, I went up to apprehend him" I nodded knowing this "I knew the shooter. I served with him." He admitted and I froze for a moment, my mind swirling with statements and questions. But all that came out was...


"He ran a support group for Vets. He was my friend." I stood up and rubbed my face. Was this really happening? How could this be happening. My head hurts.

"David, what the fuck?! You knew all this time? Why didn't you say anything."  I tried not to shout or scream the lat thing I needed was to be interrupted by my security.

"Because, I would have been the scapegoat, they would have frame me by using our connection." he replied and I groan in frustration.

"David, that's stupid." I grumble.

"Is it? I have issues, I served with the man that tried to kill you, then there are other little details that make me the perfect target." I groaned "That and  I was scared. He shot himself right in front of me, when he realised there was no way out. He expected me to finish the job." I stumbled back in shock and fright

"Finish the job, you mean kill me." He stood up and took my arms

"I would never do that." I looked into his eyes but then I remembered.

"Are we forgetting the night before St Matthews?" I hissed

"That was an accident I didn't know what  I was doing and when I did, I stopped." I sighed knowing he was right.

"Is there anything else I should know." I could see his hesitation

"David." I warned

"My boss and Sampson asked me to spy on your mother. And I have compromising files." I put my hand against my head walking away from him.

"For christ's sake. Was all of this a lie? You sleeping with me a way to get to my mother." he shook his head and came over to me.

" I swear, what happened between me and you, it was just that, between us, no agenda. Please believe me. I honestly care for you more beyond a protection officer and a principal." I looked into his eyes, and despite all the lies and secrets. I knew he was telling the truth. I don't know how but I just knew.

"David, secret's like that will ruin you." I warn him

"I can't tell them to the police." He shook his head, I sighed. "Mia, I'll look guilty, when I'm not.."

"They'll find out and then what will you do, worst you could go to jail. What about Ella, Charlie and this one." I pointed to my stomach " best you'll loose your job. But I will be surprised if they let you go go off scot free."

"Let me worry about that." he wrapped me up in his arms.


I watched the news reports covering my mother and her funeral. I listened to speeches from the Prime Minister and from my father. There was a knock on my door, when I answered it, my father was standing there. I stood back and let him enter.

"Nice speech, I almost believed you meant it. Almost."  i pinched my fingers imitating my belief. He huffed

"How long are you going to be mad at me." he questioned. I was seriously thinking my mum was the smartest person on this earth.

"As long as I please. I get that Mum was no saint, she wasn't but do you honestly think, for one second, that she could be any worse than that ass who already resides in number 10." i folded my arms

"She had the best intentions at heart, and yes the way she planned to get things done were questionable." I defended her

"Mia, I know."

"Yet you still conspired to ruin her reputation, and yet someone still put a bomb in place that killed her, and yet she's dead. So yes, I am pissed, I will continued to be pissed for a very long time because now I have raging trust issues with people who I'm supposed to trust like you. I will be going into therapy, because my mind is broken. And I am going to have to repair what is left of my life." I ranted to him, because he just didn't seem to get the damage that had been done.

-3rd Person-

David sat at an internet cafe, he looked at his notes that he had taken from looking through the tablet.

Sexual Assault

-Charlotte Foxfeild

-Cambridge '83

David searched the name and clicked in a a professional profile of a young woman who fit the profile, he went back and added the word government but nothing of use came up.

Drug Abuse

-Oak and Ash Clinic

-Transport minister '96

He they researched Transport ministers of '96 four names came up one of which was the current Prime Minister John Vosler. He looked into the names but nothing came up only about the clinic itself.

Financial Misconduct

-VV2 Holdings.

Another common denominator. The current Prime Minister. David stared at the profile for a moment before erasing  the search history and shutting down. He left and a few minutes later a car rolled up outside the internet cafe. David watched from across the street as two men went into the cafe and Longcross stayed inside the car. When the couldn't find him the two men got back in and the three of them drove off.

David watched as they drove away and noted down the licence plate.

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