Chapter 11 - Moving Forward

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-3rd Person-

David stood before Sampson and Craddock relaying information.

"Lavender received a package from a individual identifying himself as Richard Longcross." Craddock wrote the name down "I already took the liberty Ma'am, he's not on the PNC."

"So who is he?" Craddock wondered

"If he's been given access via all the necessary clearances, he's got to be security service. They're feeding her intelligence they're keeping from us."

"What was in the package?" Craddock asked him

"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to determine, Ma'am. The principal kept the item on her person the whole time. Access hasn't been possible." he lied

"What is she up to? Does her daughter know anything?"

"Not that know of, it seems Lavender is taking these meetings more and more when Blossom isn't around or is busy doing something else." Sampson nodded

"You need to find out, what she has."



We were back at parliament. Mum, Me, Tahir , Rob and David made our way up the stairs.

"Did you get those figures for the number of online searches for jihadist propaganda?" Mum asked

"Tahir."I looked back at the man, it was one of the many jobs i was swamped with and he offered to do.

"Right..." he opened his folder

'Here" Rob shoved the papers forward and I looked at him confused. But mum took the papers. We got to the top of the stairs.

"Thank you Sargent not sure how long this is going to take." We left him and I went ahead with my mother I looked back Rob and Tahir were in a conversation.

"Boys, on your own time." i huffed and the came forward. Mum went into the debate and ai rounded on Tahir and Rob.

"okay, what the fuck!" I whisper yelled

"Rob what was that earlier, the figures job was Tahir's Where did you even get that they needed doing."

"Well I..." he stuttered and I folded my arms

"I know what this is about, you're trying to impress her. Okay first it was funny now it's annoying. She is not interested in you, she never has been and she has never insinuated in that, now if you're going to continue in being a prick, and stepping on others toes, tell me know so I can have your desk packed up."

"Excuse me."

"We're going through a delicate time, my mother does not need you fucking around being a asshole, to other members of staff trying to help her. Now what will it be."

"I apologise." he told Tahir

"Good now walk away." Rob did so and I looked at Tahir.

"Thank you." he breathed

"No need, he was out of line, I heard what he said about why you're here, it's not true, you're here because you were rightful the job. look are you absolutely sure you want to be here?"

"Of course." I smiled.

"Okay, but just so you know if you're the one that's screwing up, you'll get the same reaction. We can't afford mistakes."


"Good, now my father is around here somewhere, will you give me a heads up on when we're leaving."

"Sure." i left finding my father.

"Daddy." I kissed his head, he was watching the debate on the tablet.

"Hello, Darling." I sat on his chair arm

"Watching Mum have a go at someone that's not you." he chuckled and put the tablet down and one arm around my waist.

"How are you doing, with everything."

"Getting there, i try not to think about it and put my energy into other things like working."

"Speaking of working, when are you going back to Prosecution, you know I don't like you working for your mother."

"Dad,  not this again." I moved to sit across from him

"Darling, you're in danger when you're near her."

"I will always be in danger, I'm the daughter of two powerful politicians. You who's working with that creep." I shivered "and Mum who has to work for him but mainly works for the people.

"Mia." he huffed

"He is, he gives me the creeps." I scowled.


Mike Travis came in and over to my father. Dad looked at me.

"Mia, sweetheart, why don't you get a drink." my phone buzzed and it was a message from Tahir, we were leaving.

"Don't need to I'm leaving." I stood up and hugged my Dad

"Bye." I went to join the others Tahir was talking to my mother.

"You've won the house, whether you've won the country is a different thing. Ask the voters whether they back your position RE: terrroisim, you poll highly. Ask them whether they're happy with GCHQ knowing their online activity, they drop massively. Tahir handed her the documents. David followed us as we went back downstairs.

"But like I said, it looks like yo have the house convinced."

"I want the country."  she replied

"In PR terms, I'm struggling to cut through the noise. Then there is your lack of public appearances" I looked at David, He was the one that asked us to scale them back given the current events that were taking place

"If you fulfil your engagement at St Matthews I'm sure you'd get the exposure needed." I decided to cut in.

"I'm sure the police would take a different view." i commented

"That's security, not politics."

"Aren't they the same at the moment." I walked past him


Mum, David, i got into the lift back at the hotel.

"I picked up that you didn't oppose my engagement at St Matthews." Mum said

"That decision come from way about my pay grade, Ma'am." She smiled and looked at me, i gave her a confused look.

"I think you've got an ulterior motive.."

"You think?" David replied. not looking at either of us.

"I think you don't want people knowing you've become more protective." She leant in slightly

"Emotionally distracted." Davids eyes went to mine as if to say have you told.

"Mum, stop teasing the poor man."

"Just having a little fun." she chuckled

"He's not your plaything, knock it off." she shrugged. The doors opened and we walked out.


The next day mother called me into her office.

"Mia sit down." I did so.

"Mia, you remembered the file I asked you to take care of." I straightened and nodded

"is it somewhere safe."

"The safest place i know, it's built like the death star." she smiled

"Good, I need you to stay in your room tonight, I'll be gone for a little bit."

"Do you need me to organise anything." she shook her head

"No, all you need to know is i will be taking PS Budd with me, if something happens you can only trust him okay. No one else." I furrowed my eyebrow.

"Mum, what are you doing?"

"Everything will be okay. Now go on, go back to work."

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