Chapter 25 - Danger

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Ringing, annoying ringing. I turned over in my bed and grabbed my phone.

"What?" I grumbled

"You, alright love." I winced as I switched my light on. and sat up in bed

"David, what's 12 am." I groaned

"I know, I'm sorry. But you need to listen to me you need to check around your room for bugs. Don't repeat what I just said make casual conversation. Check small places in your room, lamps, pictures somewhere you wouldn't think of looking" I got out of bed.

"How's work been?" I did as he said, I checked my lamp first. I found one, then I continued to check

"Really, well if you need me to say something... yeah it seems there's a few."

"Good, girl. I need you not to panic okay. You need to destroy them."

"Yeah, why do you think it's happening." I continued my search and found more. Shit. I then went to the bathroom and flushed them

"Are they all gone?"

"No idea."

"Okay. Look, keep looking but tomorrow I will give you something to do a bug sweep. I need to talk to you in person."

"David, you're scaring me."

"I know, and I don't mean to but, Mia. They know your pregnant, the told my boss and Vicky." I felt myself go numb


"I'm sorry."

"David...ugh." I didn't know what to say.

"Do you want me to come over now instead?"

"No, I will text you were we'll meet tomorrow." I hug up and went through the motions of not freaking out


I sat in the cafe waiting for David when he finally arrived. my protection officers were blending in with the crowd, wen he came and sat down.

"Hey." I said

Hey, how you doing?" he asked me.

"Could be better. Now what is going on, my room is bugged? News of my pregnancy is out? David, what the fuck?"

"They're trying to find out where the tablet is." I rolled my eyes

"They know either me or you has is, the police convinced it's me."

"Yeah, well. Both sides have done searches into where it is, neither of them have found it."

"Mia, I need to get them off your back."

"And onto yours, it's safe where it is and it will be used at the appropriate time." he was confused.


"I'm going to finish what my Mum started, getting that asshole out of number 10 so someone can do right by this country."

"Mia, that's dangerous. You can't do that, it's not just you, you have to think about." his eyes glanced downward.

"it's because of them that. I am dong this, so the can grow up in a safer world than it already is."

"Mia, please let me handle this." I sighed

"I'll be back." I went to go to the the loo and when i campout I saw Chanel leaving, she grabbed her coffee and left the cafe.

"What was that about."

"She was trying to flirt with me. I think she's hiding something." I snorted

"Only you could have a woman flirt with you and think something's up." I finished my tea.

"You like Star Wars right." he was confused " Of course you do, you know my favourite part out of all the films...the death star." I saw recogition in his eyes.

"I have to go. Be safe." I left and my security followed me.

-3rd Person-

When Chanel left and just as Mia, was coming back. David had taken a picture of the SUV that  Chanel had gotten into. He had taken it back to SO15. The man driving he car was Luke Aikens, he had ties to organised crime which opened up more possibilities. However the conversation was cut short when Tom arrived as was to taken him back to their office. He was taken to see Craddock.

"Your repeated refusal to accept counselling has raised concerns regarding your fitness for duty. And now I've received an extremely disturbing report regarding the possibility you've attempted self injury with a firearm."

"What report? Who from." he questioned as to who ratted him out.

"David, I recognise and officer in denial when I see one. This is for your own good. You're to go on indefinite leave as of now and..."

"Ma'am no." David refused but he was cut of by Craddock still talking

"I would strongly urge you to accept treatment from Occupational health."

"Ma'am, please, I can't be removed from duty till I've found out who killed Julia Montague." he told her

"I'm also removing your fire arms ticket for obvious reasons. I'm very sorry David, this is for your own good." he was escorted out and had to return his gun, mags and firearm ticket. Then left, he rang Rayburn thinking she snitched on him..

That night, he snuck round the back of the Montages home and went straight to the office. He remembered the picture that Mia was talking about, putting on gloves he opened the back and there tucked securely away was the tablet. He took it out and left the apartment.

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