Chapter 28 - Facing Death

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-3rd Person-

David stood in the middle of Saltmarsh Street in Suicide vest, scared and cold with police officers shouting and not listening.

"David, don't move, stay perfectly still." Craddock shouted across to him.

"It's a dead man's switch! Anything happened to me it will go off." he warned them but to them it sounded like a threat.

"Control, activate message." PS Mason one of the armed officers spoke over the radio Subject is armed wit a PBIED. Require safe route."

"I didn't do this!" David shouted "I didn't do this!" his voice was more softer, more scared. Craddock suggested for expo and a negotiator.

"I didn't do this, I didn't put on this vest." he proclaimed.

"We need to get him away from these building." Mason told Craddock who agreed

"We need to move you to a less but up area." Mason told him

"It's a DMS! Don't shoot!" David replied 

"You need to comply, right now!"

"I am complying, don't shoot!" he yelled

"Turn around slowly with your hands in the air." David did so.

"Wait! Talking the street to your right walk there slowly, now." David followed the instructions. Armed police escorted him to Pope Square.

"Keep it Moving, keep as far away from the buildings as possible." Mason called ahead to David. David stopped in the middle of the square

"If he's saying it's trigger activated, Are we safe to get a radio to him?" Craddock asked Rayburn.

"Ma'am?" she wondered

"If we're going to be able to get him surrender, we need to be able to talk." Rayburn agreed and took her radio of her belt.

"David, I'm going to lay the radio down for you OK?" sh called and he nodded "Do not move yet!"

"Okay." Rayburn slowly moved foreword.

"Bring the wife and Mrs Jones, just in case, okay. Got the radio cheers." Craddock spoke too two different officers.

"Stay still until I tell you." Rayburn told him. She laid the radio down and then jogged back

"Pick up the radio!" David moved slowly toward it and picked it up. Then made his way back to the middle.

"David, please listen to me very carefully. I really hope this can be resolved with no one getting hurt. For your own sake, for your family and colleges, please give yourself up." Craddock spoke

"Ma'am, I've tried to remove the vest. It's booby trapped with co-ax connectors across the clasps. They are wired to the control unit."

"I give you my solum promise, your previous service and the effect of your recent traumatic experiences will be taken into account."

"Ma'am, you're not listening to me. I was knocked unconscious. When I came round, I was in this vest with my thumb taped to the DMS."

"David. You've got to be straight with us, you hid your relationship with Apsted. You hid your involvement in Julia Montague's assassination, and the attempted assignation of her daughter Mia."

"I had nothing to do with Julia's assignation and I would never hurt Mia." his voice cracked at the mention of her, he truly had come to love and care for her in the short amount of time.

"David, you betrayed everyone's trust. We won't be fooled again."

'I'm telling the truth"

"I'm sorry David, I did my best for you." Craddock turned to Rayburn.

"What? Your best? What are you doing?" David questioned

"This is an SO15 Operation." she handed the radio which still had a confused David talking over it, Craddock left.

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