Chapter Thirty One~ Who Said I Liked You?

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                             "Woke up in tears, with you by my side

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                             "Woke up in tears, with you by my side

                Breath of relief and I realize we're not promised tomorrow."

Finally finished with Valeria's last present I took a breath of relief, as I looked at the final product. It was a denim jacket that I had bought and decided to get creative with. I figured that if I knew Valeria at all, I knew that she'd be happier if I made something personalized for her than gave her something store-bought. So I knitted patches all over the jacket, a yellow rose for her favorite color, a mic and a piano representing her love for music, a cupcake so she could always remember me, her name stretched over the back widely, and a bunch of little miscellaneous things I figured she'd adore. I wanted to make our first Christmas together special, something memorable especially after everything we'd both gone through this year. Though the jacket took way longer than I imagined, I managed to finish it in time.

Valeria had just texted me thirty seconds ago letting me know that she'd be here soon, insisting we exchange presents at my place because her place was too wild this time of the year. I was disappointed because seeing the girls were always fun but I agreed with her. Technically, it wasn't Christmas yet, it was Christmas eve, but all things considered, my mom had insisted we stay with family this year, indicating a big fat chance we didn't see each other tomorrow.

 Lily had also been keen on hosting a "friendsmas" as she and Lucas insisted on calling it, today at her place. So Valeria planned to exchange presents and go over to Lily's together once we were finished. She had been super secretive about her present, trust me I'd tried to pry it out of her, but she had stayed silent, sadly, so had Lily. I hoped everything was going to be perfect, mom was out doing her errands for people at the hospital she wanted to give presents to and Lily had bribed Jay to come early and help her get everything set up, though, I doubt how true that was considering Lily has an entire staff to do that. Nevertheless, I didn't want to think about what else the two could possibly be doing.

Wrapping Val's present the best I could, I put it to the side with the rest of her presents. In the far pile of the room lied Lily's. Yup. Lucas had the brilliant idea to do a secret Santa this year within our friend group, needless to say, everyone had agreed. So a couple of weeks ago we picked names out of a hat and set the budget for anything under 100 bucks. That was a problem all on its own because I got Lily, of all people. She got everything she wanted, never had to ask twice, and though that was usually a good thing, I had struggled for a long time to figure out what to get her. I couldn't even ask Valeria, because apparently, there's a rule in the activity where you can't tell anyone in your group who you got. It was a pain. 

Then about 3 nights ago, amidst stressing about her gift and making Valeria's, the perfect idea dawned on me. I stayed up all night making it and hoping to God she liked it because, to be honest, it was all I could think of. It was a blessing in disguise, the secret Santa, it meant that I didn't need to get anyone else in the group a gift because this covered it. Besides Valeria, of course.

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