Chapter One~ Is Starbucks Worth it?

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                                             "You give me all I ever needed

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                                             "You give me all I ever needed

                                            Half a heart and you complete it."





"No, goddamnit"

"WHY NOT? Give me one good reason, that's all I'm asking for, one legit reason why you're not going to put this god forsaken skirt right now!"

"Because I don't like showing my legs to people!" I whined.

"I said LEGIT REASON! Not your frickin insecurities!!" Lilly shouted. 

"You cannot hold me against my will Lilly! I refuse!" I argued back.

"You wear this skirt right now Valeria Grace and I will buy you coffee every morning for the rest of this month! Will you agree then and stop throwing a fit on the frickin first day of school?!! I swear to God, Your going to give me headache!" She offered.

I pondered a little. Was one month of amazing free, I repeat free coffee, glorious coffee, worth sacrificing my comfort today? After a lot of thought of a whole 30 seconds I sighed giving in.

"Happy?" I said as I glared at her and snatched the skirt.

"Very!" She replied sweetly, moving aside so I could change in the bathroom.

I walked inside and stared at my peach colored skirt with a slight floral design and paired it with a plain white shirt that I tied on the side. I looked in the mirror slightly shaking my head at my bare legs but then reminding myself of the treat I get if I make it through today.

I walked out to see Lilly sitting on my bed with a bunch of her make-up scattered everywhere. That's when I ran. She looked up at the sound of my feet and screeched before coming after me. I quickly sent a prayer to god before continuing the run for my life. I didn't make it very far before she cornered me. 

Oh Lord! I need to start running again. Boy, am I out of shape!  

Well maybe its all the cookies you keep stuffing in your mouth? My mind shot back at me.

Shut up brain. Who asked you?

Long story short, five minutes later, I was sitting down eating a donut and nodding my head to the music flowing in my ears. This was all while Lilly tried to do the impossible. Make me look pretty. 

Next thing I knew I was walking to the full body mirror and boy, did I look different. You know how people say that they feel like I completely new person after doing something. That's basically me every time Lilly gets her hands on me. 

Nonetheless, The white shirt and peach colored skirt really brought out the green in my eyes and my brunette hair was still yet to be done. I quickly grabbed my peach colored scrunchie and my comb. Putting my hair into a half up half down hairstyle and in my opinion it look pretty cute with the outfit.

 I stared at myself in the mirror for a while before resting my eyes upon my angel winged necklace. That was the last thing I had from my mom. My mom was my best friend and I missed her so much. She was my person to talk to and the person to go to and she was just my person. She got me in ways no one else did or ever will. 

I looked to Lilly through the mirror and she saw the sadness in my eyes. My eyes brimmed with tears when she pulled me in for a long hug. I always had Lilly; she was my rock. She had been through everything, she was the person I trusted the most without a doubt on this entire planet. 

I pulled out of the hug and she gave me a small smile and I returned one back to her. She took a deep breath took my hand and said, 

"Let's go have the best first day of 11th grade."

Okay now you're probably wondering why I was having my first ever real school day in 11th grade. Well, my mom died five years ago and my dad left and decided I wasn't worth his attention or time. Ever since then I have been at New Hope Orphanage.

 After my mom's death and my dad's falling out I was in a very dark place, left all alone to face the oh so scary demons that lived inside me. So I was homeschooled for that period of time. This year I decided i was going to put a smile on my face and move on. I was going to live a good life for the sake of my mom. I'm living for both of us now. 

Which is why I am sitting in Lilly's room right now complying to everything she was saying. I was hoping to have one of the best years' of my life. 

I walked out of her house and sat in the car as she bid farewell to her family and began her journey to teaching me the ins and outs of high  school. To day that I was nervous would be an understatement but I was also just as excited.

She got into the car and immediately turned up the radio and stepped on the gas pedal. 

"Take it to Starbucks!" I said sweetly.

She groaned in response shaking her head in disappointment. She was insane to think I would forget. Like are you kidding? Starbucks was my heart and soul.

After I got my coffee I was smiling like a three year old who had just been handed a bag full of candy; she hooked her arm through mine and flashed me a reassuring smile to calm me down as we walked through the doors of high school.

Everything is going to be okay as long as I have Lilly. Now that was a fact. 

A/N Hi! What's up guys? Let me know how your days are going. I hope you liked this chapter. Too short? Maybe, not really short how long this was supposed to be. You need to inform us on this topic. Lols. Did ya'll laugh? We laughed writing it for sure. Dang. Look what quarantines got us doing. 

Question of the Chapter: Who is your favorite music artist, can be a boyband too. Ours is Lauv. Can't wait to see your guys's response.

Comment and add to your reading lists pleaseee.

Signing off for now,

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