Chapter Forty~ Love Love Love

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 "Cause I love the way your green eyes mix with that Malibu indigo

      Talkin' under pink skies, I think our hearts are starting to show"

Aphrodite's POV:

When I first laid eyes on Valeria's soul, brought into this world by her even more beautiful mother, I saw something I don't usually see. It was tender yet firm, quiet yet loud, blanketed in dreams and aspirations as well as a strong passion for music. I knew that whoever's soul I chose for this girl to have must be perfect, it had to be the exact balance for her perfect. So I went on a little hunt, to find it. Soon after years of wandering and searching and watching I found a little boy sitting on the edge of his bed clutching at his head. Now, I can tell you that when I first saw him in pain, I never hated Apollo and his stupid illnesses more.

He was gorgeous, scintillating blue eyes that shined brighter than all the stars, and illuminated his dark room like the moon often brightens the black nights. Holy Hera, if I wasn't the goddess of love, I would've taken the boy for myself. My people had clearly blessed this boy. Obviously, I couldn't just look at him and know he was perfect, I was looking for millions of other matches. His soul had to tell me who it would belong to. So I took a little peek and saw the weight his soul carried. For a young boy, to say he was a little damaged would be an understatement. But then I really looked inside his soul, beyond the hurt, past the broken heart, to see what was underneath. I discovered that his soul was precious, he would have many passions when he grew up, and the one that would prevail over the others was art. If you know anything about love or me, art and love go hand in hand, they create the most vigorous and passionate love. One for the books.

So when their creative, glowing and poisoned yet pure hearts chose each other, I was elated. Okay, well, they didn't do the choosing, but they were the case where I merely existed, I didn't do much but be there, they did all the work. That was them. I didn't make her crash into him in that cafeteria, I swear. No way in Hades would I do something so embarrassing for such a valuable love. Mine would've been more extravagant. I was just planning on something when they made their appearance to each other. I would've also made sure my beautiful boy was having a nice day and his head wasn't practically murdering him. As fate would have it though, Valeria's sweet soul came in and fixed everything broken in that boy. As did he to hers. All the cracks threatening to tear her soul apart, cracks caused by her mother's death, that Jason bastard's abuse, and her father's departure from her life. Suddenly, they were healed, stitched up together with a needle and a thread.Of course, he didn't do this alone, I am the goddess of love, and the love of friendship is one of my finest creations and the most unpoisoned, glorious thing to ever exist in this world. But that friendship came with the boy, and they needed to work together to heal her, for just one of them would simply not have sufficed. So I whispered in Jayden's ear and Parker's ear and Lucas's ear and Lilly's ear to keep holding my girl up, to help glue her broken pieces back together. And they did, they cured her soul, with no problem at all. And she wrote her story, through music, about the first time she laid eyes on her boy and the first time she realized it was okay to not be okay sometimes. She wrote about her friendships and her loves. I can never guarantee that every relationship works out, obviously, and as much as I hoped and prayed that theirs would, I could make no promises. Yet, I knew that after everything she went through, Kayden was the most perfect first love a girl could even ask for. She struck gold with him.

 I remember seeing their first meet; her clumsiness being the reason she fell in love. Ironic, isn't it? I stood by helplessly as Kayden shredded pieces of paper on her and she stared up at him innocently, mesmerized by how beautiful he was. Little did she know the thoughts running wild through his mind, allured by her aura, by her beauty. My plan didn't work out, and I thank Zeus that it didn't because this was perfect. It was uncertain at the time, but I simply existed, and everything worked out just fine, if not flawlessly. Love was in the air, more like I was always there. My work sometimes gets boring, but watching this story unfold piece by piece, page by page, was enough to keep me going for at least the next few hundred years. It was empowering, motivating, inspiring, to see two people that loved like nothing else come to love each other more than anything.He drew and drew her until he perfected the curve of her chin and the sparkle in her eyes. He loved her and would continue to love her until he had memorized every inch of her and until he could no longer. While Valeria wrote, again and again, to try to enrapture Kayden in one song, she knew it wasn't possible because their love was too big and too magical to be summed up in some 3 minutes. Their love was so precious, so special, so untouchable even if it might break one day, no one could ever have what they have.

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