Chapter Thirty Six~ I Love You

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                    "If the world went up in flames, 

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                    "If the world went up in flames, 

                             in your arms I know I'd be safe."

You know that feeling when you have a nightmare and then you wake up? That relief. That's what I felt when I heard Kayden's voice break through the indestructible walls of my head. His sweet, low voice traveled in and penetrated the thoughts of anxiety and losing him. I wanted to tell him now that I love him. But it just didn't feel right, so I did what did feel right. I ran into his arms. Hell, I didn't even care whether he was hooked on an iv machine I just jumped into his arms.

I was home again. Into the secure and warm arms of the boy I love. This is the best feeling ever and you can't change my mind. His gentle lips touch the top of my head and his muscular arms wrap around me tighter than ever before. He holds me as if it were both of our last days on earth together, but that's how he always holds me because he believes that not a second in this world is promised.

Any minute one of us could be gone and I realized why he so strongly supported the idea that we should enjoy every second of life because we never know when it could be snatched away from us. Our lives are so feeble and easy to steal, we won't even have a moment's preparation when it's whipped away right in front of our eyes.

 I look at him and his icy and electric eyes melt into my soft green ones. His eyes hold all the secrets I've been holding and all the weight I thought I had to bear alone, but now he bears it with me. For a split second, I envy him. I envy how he isn't being held captive by the demons named anxiety and depression like I was. 

But that envy turns into relief because I am glad that he will never have to go through that again. It's crazy how his darkness overwhelms him and there is fire in his veins and ice in his eyes yet I cannot help but love him. Every part of him, the darkness, the hurt, but mostly his soul. His insane soul that intervenes with mine in such an enchanting way, captivates me in ways no should ever will. God, his heart holds the power to be able to make mine smile and smile so brightly too that it blinds the sun.

The silence remains unbroken and a part of me likes it that way. I look up to see him peering down at me. My heart flutters and butterflies erupt when I take in the sight of him. His messy brown hair and his damned blue eyes looked radiant at any time of the day. It should be like a superpower, to look good literally all the time. His eyes hold literally everything I need, everything my soul thirsts for. I smile up at him softly and then it hits me. Kayden's awake and he has a new bandage wrapped around his head, meaning he didn't just wake up, it's been a while. I look at him suspiciously before asking,

"How long have you been awake?" Kayden gives me a nervous chuckle and my heart dances to the sound. The gray walls of the hospital room, the constant chatter of the nurses, the smell of urine and sanitizer, everything that usually scared me didn't anymore because he was okay. The walls had cute little giraffe stickers on them and the nurses outside the window were dressed in their traditional light blue scrubs, clipboards in hand, and saving lives with every breath.

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