Chapter Two~Life Hates Me

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A/N: Happy Reading!

                 "Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in                                    So shame on me now"

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                 "Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
                                    So shame on me now"

So I take it back. High school is not what people think it is. I mean in any cliché high school movie have they ever mentioned the workload? I mean it's the first fracking day of school, what homework can they possibly give us? Apparently a lot more than I believed. 

It was only period 5 and I was already tired. Lunch was next period, and just the thought of food was enough to make my stomach grumble. I was so tired carrying all my heavy books, I mean  not only do I now have to work on my cardio but I also need to fix my upper body strength. 

Well you need to at least have something to be able to fix it, honey. The fact that your hands get tired putting your hair into a ponytail tells me everything I need to know.  Said my brain.

Again! Who asked you? I shot back at it. Honestly, it just talked without permission sometimes, it was starting to become a problem.

I sighed, as I headed my way to Lilly's locker after putting all my books back in mine. I grabbed The Book Thief,  and kept my head low as I walked down the crowded hallway. From the corner of my eye, I could see a tall and well-built boy talking to some people of whom I assumed were his friends. He had gorgeous locks of brown hair and almost golden tinted colored eyes. That was just enough to make any girl swoon. 

But what really caught my attention was the boy standing behind him, looking completely out of place.  They looked freakishly similar to each other, giving me a feeling that it was no coincidence. 

He too had the same beautiful locks of brown hair but the most attractive part were his eyes which were staring right back at me. And without a doubt they were the most piercing shade of blue I had ever seen in my entire life. 

That's when it hit me: He was staring at me. He was staring right back at me, with an amused smirk playing on his lips. As if he found it funny that I was completely and utterly lost inside his eyes. I teared my gaze away from him and continued striding forward with my head down.

Holy cheese balls, that was the most gorgeous specimen of the mankind that I have seen in my entire life. I was still trying to catch my breath, I mean he basically looked like a 6 foot tall God. I quickened my pace and practically sprinted to Lilly's locker. Once I got there, catching my breath, because I am oh so out of shape. 

She looked at me and flashed me one of her smiles,

"Hey! Ready for your first ever high school lunch?" I nodded, still trying to get over the fact that I just locked eyes with the hottest guy in the entire world. I tried to get myself to breathe, as she led the way towards the cafeteria doors. 

She hooked her hand through mine as we stood in the line to buy lunch. I eyed the food before turning to her and asking, 

"Does any of this actually taste decent?" She shook her head giving me a sad smile, then proceeded to dump a salad on her tray. 

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