Chapter Ten~A Twin's Blackmail

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                           "I need room, I need room                               Where you standin' way too close"

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                           "I need room, I need room
                               Where you standin' way too close"

I paused my movie when Lilly barged into my room at 4:30 pm with no prior warning whatsoever. I mean I could've been changing or something, what was this child thinking?

I took my phone out and looked to see if she texted me before she came and I just missed it, but nope, no texts either. Currently, she was in closet likely judging every piece of clothing I own. Five minutes went by with no word from either of us, I heard her groan in frustration. Three minutes later I felt a piece of clothing hit me square in the face, I pulled it off and finally broke the silence between us, 

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked, in an annoyed tone. She glared at me before gesturing to my closet and screeching,

"What's wrong? What's wrong? You're seriously going to ask what's wrong? You have nothing absolutely nothing in your closet to wear. That's what's wrong!" 

I rolled my eyes at her overreaction, this was stupid, I mean I had plenty of clothes to wear, she herself was gesturing to a closet full of clothes and telling me I had nothing to wear? It's really not my fault if she hates my clothes or my fashion sense, oh right! I don't have any fashion sense. I walked over to stand next to her trying to understand where she was coming from, but I mean to me it was obvious what I was wearing. 

I pulled out a pair of black tights and a school sweater. I looked up at her showing her my selection, she pursed her lips, furrowing her eyebrows, and took the clothes out of my hands before throwing them across my room. She was being so weird, I didn't know what was wrong. I mean usually she just let me wear what I wanted, she wouldn't fight me this much on it. I tried to think of reasons she might be acting this way, but I was drawing a blank.

"Hey! I was gonna wear those!" I whined going to get them back. Once I had retrieved them, I shook her gently by the shoulder, 

"What's wrong? You seem off." She tensed up at my touch, and turned to look at me, when my eyes met hers I saw that hers were filled with tears. I opened my mouth to ask her what happened, but she just slightly shook her head, indicating that she didn't wanna talk about it.

I nodded, I got it, not wanting to talk about it. When my mom passed away, I didn't tell Lilly for some time, and I just let her do one thing, be there for me. So I was gonna do the same thing for her. Because sometimes, talking about it makes it better, other times, it makes it worse, bringing back memories you were trying hard to forget. I would know. 

So, I silently pulled her onto my bed and gave her one of my biggest hugs. I pulled out some ice cream from my mini fridge, and we sat there eating from pints of icecream and cried. I let her sit there sobbing into my arms, even though I could hear my heart  breaking at the thought of something ever hurting her that bad, I let her let it out. That's all I could do for her.

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