Chapter Thirty Seven~ Cut Me Some Slack

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                               "I got all I need when I got you and I                                          I look around me, and see a sweet life"

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                               "I got all I need when I got you and I                                          I look around me, and see a sweet life"

Sunlight was pouring into my window and the beams seemed to be dancing and prancing all over my face while I groaned hoping to God that the curtains that I'd forgotten to shut last night would magically close themselves. To my dismay, they didn't. It was Saturday, February 17th to be precise. Most people would call this one a "golden" birthday for I was turning 17 today. I, on the other hand, prayed to the angels I was unsure existed above, that either the rest of the household had forgotten to, indulged in their own work during this time of the year; or, they had finally taken a hint after five freaking years that I didn't find my birthday a day for celebration.

I'd tried. Believe me when I say that I've tried. Every single year this dreadful day rolls around and I'm struck by a tsunami of memories and a hurricane of hurt. Every single year I'm hit by the same storm, same tears, screaming at night for the woman who endured extreme pain on this day, but didn't live past 12 years to see it again. Sobbing and shaking at the countless recollections of her tender eyes, her thoughtful smile, and tantalizing mind. Flashing images in my dreams of her beautiful face. Green, wistful eyes, forever begging you upon meeting them to enter her forest, to get lost in her wanderlust of a world.

So yeah, pardon me if I didn't feel like celebrating my existence in this world, especially when the woman who brought me into it, isn't here anymore. Nor is the man who I believed would never ever leave my side, even after my mother did.

Yet, every year on February 17th, Charlotte would insist on doing something, going out, or eating cake, while I argued with treating it like a normal day because to almost everyone else in the world it was a normal day. So, I'd stay in my room, at least once I finished school, I read and played the Piano because I didn't want to feel special, be treated nicely, not when my mom couldn't; it wasn't fair.

Today shouldn't be any different. I hoped it wasn't as I rinsed out my hair and put on some leggings and one of Maddie's bright red crop tops from when she liked other colors besides black and purple. Oh, what a memory. Tentatively creeping down the stairs, I listened for any noise indicating I wasn't the first one up, unfortunately, that hope was diminished when I heard Lettie's soft faint voice. 

Silently pleading she hadn't planned anything, I tiptoed downstairs, peeking into Maddie's room on my way to notice that she, unsurprisingly, was not in it. Instead, I found her, with her head on Lettie's head laying horizontally across the couch while Lettie peacefully read her book. I smiled at the sight because it'd been a while since any of us had seen Maddie show any kind of affection, and this was a possible sign of healing. Due to Maddie's superhuman hearing, she heard me enter the living and jumped up. We met each other in the middle of the living room and she threw her lanky arms around me and whispered a tiny happy birthday in my ear. I smiled and hugged Lettie who had gotten off the couch after Maddie had disrupted her concentration.

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