Chapter Twenty Nine~ Mazzoni vs Fazio more like Kayden vs Maddie

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A/N: We love you guys. Enjoy! xxx

             "I only want good vibes round me tonight,                                                                                                                   no negativity in my life

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             "I only want good vibes round me tonight,                                                                                                                   no negativity in my life."

I cleared my throat as I skipped down the steps and into the living room to get everyone's attention. Everyone being, Maddie, Emily, Julia, and Addie. Mads was sprawled across the couch, sketching, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. She's been off since her return from the hospital, I mean she barely even speaks until spoken to anymore. I just figured she'd been having PTSD from the accident but now I think I'm going to need to talk to Lettie about having her see a therapist. Em was flipping through some polaroid's she and Liam took with each other last night; and, I am making a promise right now, if they don't get married, I'll be the one objecting at the wedding of whoever she marries.

Ads was currently sitting on the couch atop her sister's legs playing with Mads' phone, which I'm sure as far as Maddie was concerned was filled with art sketches and DIY craft ideas. Jules was lying on her stomach on the carpet quietly coloring a page from her book. She's always been shy and quiet, a little timid, she's extremely close to Emily, so I don't know as much about her as Em does. None of them looked up as I planted myself in the middle of all of them. Kids these days. "Guys. I have something to tell you." I said in a loud and clear voice, so everyone would hear me.

As expected, no one looked up, everyone too engrossed each in their own activities. The audacity. I mean I practically raised two of them. I walked around, taking Maddie's sketchbook out of her hands, plucking the phone from Addie's, snatching the camera from Em's, and the crayons from Julia's tiny fingers, all while ignoring their groans and murmurs of protest. I raised my eyebrows, acknowledging all their attention now. Taking a deep breath, I repeated,

"Guys. I have something to tell you." This time, they all looked at me, invested in hearing whatever I had to say in order to get their trinkets back. I smiled sweetly before elaborating further, "Kayden, my boyfriend for those of you who don't know, is coming over for dinner tonight, and to meet all of you. I'm going to need you all to be on your best behavior, please. This means a lot to me, so I beg of you all to try your hardest and be nice."

Maddie groaned, disliking the very idea of a stranger (to her) stepping into our place, even though she's already met him, and often reminds me OF him before we started dating. Emily, beamed excitedly at me, thrilled to finally meet the guy I've been talking about for months now. Addie whines, probably concerned at having to share me with one MORE person. And, Jules laughs, not at my statement, but likely at whatever new toy she found to play with. 

This was going to be an interesting night. Lettie was in New Hampshire, for the next couple of days, leaving Maddie and me in charge for about a ¼ of Christmas break which had begun today. I had seized the opportunity to invite Kayden, who's been dying to meet the girls, excluding Maddie whom he's already had the pleasure (torture) of encountering. Because Lettie would be out, I figured I'd save Kayden the trouble of her grilling him and threatening to kill him if he hurts me, because apparently, Lilly has already done that. When? I don't know.

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