Chapter 7

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Silas POV

(Skipping the rules. The rules aren't really important)

"That's all the rules" dad exclaimed. The rules aren't that hard to remember. Guess that's a good thing. I looked down at my lap, memorizing all the rules in my head. "Oh Silas, there's one thing that you'll have to do" I slowly looked up meeting dad's serious but calming gaze. "What is it?" I hope It's not difficult. "Your gonna have to fight the mist also known as phantom shadows"

"uuuummn what's a Phantom shadow?" I asked confused. "Get comfortable cause this might take a while" and that's exactly what I did, snuggling up into the warm yellow blanket. Once I got comfortable I looked at dad waiting for him to start.

"Phantom shadows are a black mist that can take any shape or form of any animal or creature that exists in the world no matter how weak they are" I nodded my head as he kept talking. "They can also be any size they want, even if the creature they take the form of is small, same with large ones they can just shrink to any size they want." "There are also different levels of phantom shadows.

Level one- is the weakest, the only thing they can do is transform into any creature and cause any creature to be in mind control, but only for about five minutes. They are dangerous to creatures since it's easy to control some of the creatures, but not us. Level two- the second weakest, but stronger than level one, they can mind control creatures, attack creatures. The reason is when they land an attack on any creature poison slowly but surely travels through their body causing them to die."

"Phantom shadows poison isn't like any poison you heard of. Their poison is pitch-black making it very easy to track in the creature's body, but their poison is like sand so they will scatter to different places in the body. Luckily for us, we have a cure for that and they don't attack the kingdom same with level one." at least they have a cure and they don't come around, but what about level 3, 4, and 5. "Well level three there a handful. They do what levels one and two do but more powerful. They are good fighters too. The problem is they are always in a group of six or more making it hard to fight them alone."

"Is bill, kill, and will gonna help me, and did you just read my mind?" I asked tilting my head a little to the right. Dad hummed nodding his head with a smile on his slightly pale face. "Level 3 can turn into a human meaning they can summon anything like a sword, dagger, etc. They can also use magic like us" dad added. "Wait I can use magic?" Dad just nodded. "I'll teach you once I finish explaining" I hummed. "Level four is one of the worse phantoms beasts we had to deal with. They can do what level three can do but more powerful meaning they are kinda equal to our power level"

"Question. . . if they are equal to our power, then how are they kinda equal?" I asked confused. "They are 10% stronger than us making them a little more powerful" Dad answered. "So that's the reason," I said putting my index finger under my chin. "Hmmm, now for level 5. . . they are the worse. They can do so many things any other creatures can't do. We don't even know how to defeat them. Many have died fighting them including your grandparents on your mom's side and my side of the family.

A couple of tears slide down his cheeks. I leaned forward giving my dad a big hug hoping it will help him in some way. I moved away slightly smiling at my dad. "It's ok you still have me and mom, and I know they are watching from above proud of you" dad smiled at me ruffling my hair a little. "Thank you, Silas" I hugged him again and said " you welcome" we stayed in a hugging position for a while before I gently pulled away. "How about you teach me some magic today sound good to you" dad chuckled a little before replying with a yes.

With that. . . dad started teaching me magic and how to control them. Which surprisingly, I got it under control kinda quickly. I May or may not have broken something during the process. We practice for about two hours until I started to get tired from using my magic. Dad saw how tired I was and told me we can practice some more tomorrow. While walking to my. . . well bill room mom appeared from around the corner talking to will about something.

"Hey mom and will," I said waving at them tiredly. "Hey Silas, you look tired" will say looking worried. " I am. Dad taught me some magic, which took most of my energy" I explained. They both nod their heads understanding. I noticed that bill and kill wasn't with them, so I asked where they were. " there in bill's room right now. "Oh ok, well I'm gonna head there and get some rest goodnight," I said kissing mom and dad on the cheeks and hugging will.

Once I arrived at bill's room, I knocked on the door hearing a come in after. I walked in seeing bill and kill standing in the middle of the bedroom. "Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything" I nervously said. "Don't worry your not. I was just telling bill something. I'll be on my way out now" kill said walking out of the room. "Are you sure I didn't interrupt" bill giggled and said "of course you didn't Silas" I smiled back?

"I can tell you exhausted. Let's go to bed" bill said snapping his fingers changing me into fluffy pj's and changing himself into some sweats and a black t-shirt. Bill got in the bed moving over to the right side to give me room. I climbed in laying down back against his chest. "Good night bill," I said dozing off to sleep. "Good night Silas" with that my eyes begin to shut feeling a peck on my cheeks. I was going to question what it was, but I already dozed off to sleep.

Hope you have a good morning, afternoon, and night

Name: Last dance
By: Indila

~MyMy Chan

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