Chapter 19

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Please read Author note at the end

3rd POV

A scream could be heard throughout the castle as Silas clutches his stomach in pain crying and begging for someone to help him, for someone to stop the pain from traveling through his stomach. Both Yoru and Bill woke up instantly hearing the painful screams echoing in the room. They rapidly turn to Silas trying to wake him up from his nightmare.

Bill begins to shake Silas careful of his wound hoping he'll wake up. His wish came true when Silas gasps, fear swimming around in his bi-color eyes. King and Queen Aytigan slammed the door open panic filled their eyes as they look at their son who's trying to catch his breath. "Are you ok!" Queen Aytigan asked running up to Silas caressing his moist cheeks. Silas nods not trusting his voice at the moment.

Silas hissed as the pain in his stomach expanded. He looked down to see blood bleeding through his now black shirt. Yoru quickly but carefully lifts Silas's shirt seeing his wound open. Without a second to waste, they teleported to the royal hospital calling the doctor who cared for him the day before. The doctor appeared within seconds taking Silas to a room.

Time skip

After 15 minutes the doctor with milk chocolate skin walked out with a smile on his face. "He's all good! Just need some rest. I gave him some sleeping herbs to help him relax and reduce the nightmares." The doctor said. "Doctor Kai, will the nightmares affect him after the week is over?" Asked King Aytigan hating that his son is going through nightmares every night even though he has 3 days left he can tell his son Is slowly but surely going crazy.

He'll stay up till sunrise, has heavy eye bags, and wouldn't eat due to stomach pain. They all see it. Silas was slowly going crazy. He'll cry saying stay away from me. He even clutches his stomach to the point it'll start bleeding. They hate this more than anything. It pain them to see the one they love is suffering from what seems like endless nightmares and pain from the now stitched stab wound.

"No, my majesty. He'll forget about the nightmares as long as he takes what I prescribed him until the week is over. For now, I'll give you sleeping herbs. We just restocked not too long ago. Give me a few minutes to obtain the herb." Doctor Kai says before walking away to achieve the herb. A couple of minutes later Doctor Kai comes back with a bag of herbs in a small pouch.

"Here you go. Give him the herb before he goes to bed. It'll kick in in less than 30 seconds." Doctor Kai explained handing the herbs over to Bill. "Now! Let's go see Silas. He'll be sleeping so please be careful and not be loud. We don't want to wake him especially when I have him on sleeping herbs." Doctor Kai warned them before entering Silas's room.

Both Aytigans, Bill, and Yoru looked at Silas who was peacefully sleeping. His bangs covering half of his closed eyes, hands wrapped around his stomach, soft snores escaping his slightly parted lips. All 4 smile at the lovely view in front of them. They sat down around him with sad smiles on their faces. This isn't what they wanted for Silas but it happened anyway.

After a while, Kill and Will enter the room quietly as to not wake Silas up and the others who were laying on their arms next to Silas leg. Both Kill and Will teleported Aytigans except Silas, Bill, and Yoru to their rooms to rest comfortably. Kill and Will stayed keeping an eye on Silas while he slept peacefully.

Silas POV (dream)

I woke up to see something bright. I closed my eyes as the pain shot in from the brightness. I open them again only this time I see I'm next to a tall bright blue tree...Wait! Blue tree. "Queen Avianna!" I shouted as I quickly sat up looking around until my eyes landed on Queen Avianna who was smiling at me so gently. Without a second to waste I ran to her hugging her tight. She pats my head whispering reassuring words, something I needed. I looked up at her as I broke the hug smiling at Queen Avianna until I heard a familiar voice. I quickly turn to see Takashi in his human form but he still has his tails and ears.

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