Chapter 20

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3rd POV

It's been six months since Silas found out he's pregnant with Bill and Yoru's child. It's been a rocky ride if you ask them. Morning sickness, sudden mood swings, cravings, the usual things that happen during pregnancy. Bill and Yoru have been by Silas' side the whole time.

The whole time being they haven't left his side even for a second. If one of them leaves the other has to stay by Silas' side until the other returns. Silas gets irritated sometimes, he can't even use the bathroom without one of them breathing down his neck.

"Bill, Yoru... Can you guys at least give me some space? I know you guys are protective but I still need space" Silas scold both demons who were sitting next to him in the library. Silas woke up early so he could get some alone time with himself and of course the baby. That didn't last long, about 10 minutes later both Bill and Yoru appeared midway through the first chapter of the book Silas was reading.

"No can do. You're ours and you're carrying our child. I think we should be by your side every second of the day." Yoru defends with his hand on Silas' baby bump. "I have to agree. We can't have our future wife and our baby hurt." Bill says as he also lays his hands-on Silas baby bump. Silas sighs already done with the two powerful, overprotective, sweet, and annoying demons.

All of a sudden Silas felt a slight pain in his stomach causing him to wince in pain while holding his stomach. Bill and Yoru quickly sit up panic clear on their faces. "Are you ok!? What's wrong baby!?" Both demons asked Silas who was soothing his stomach. "Don't worry, the baby just kicked that's all" Silas reassured the demons.

Silas grabs both Bill and Yoru's hands gently laying them on his stomach where the baby kicked again surprising both demons. They quickly retreat their hands away before placing them back on Silas' stomach which receives another kick. Silas chuckle at their reaction.

"As much as I love to see your reaction, the kicking is painful," Silas says as he rubs circles on his stomach to calm down the active baby in his stomach. Both demons nod giving his stomach a peck before pecking Silas on the lips. "Do you want something to eat?" Yoru ask.

Silas thought for a few minutes as his cravings kicked in. "I'll get ice cream with ketchup on top with jalapeno and ice water please," Silas list with a smile on his face while his boyfriend was hiding a look of disgust not understanding how he could eat this stuff but got what he was craving for.

Once it was retrieved and given to Silas, Silas didn't waste any time and dig into his food. 'How can you eat that' Yoru thought as he stayed by Silas' side while Bill picks out a book from one of the bookshelves. Silas looks at Yoru staring into his eyes scaring Yoru. They were staring for 2 minutes then Dipper looks away, eating his food. Yoru sighs in relief.

With Silas' stare, it felt like his soul was getting sucked out of his body. Yoru knew not to say or think about anything that may feel offensive to Silas. He'll certainly tell Bill about it so he wouldn't make the same mistake Yoru did. That's was not a pleasant time. He felt like he was in hell so note to the people out there. Never say anything offensive unless you want to be tortured or killed.

Bill returns with a mystery book in his hands with a smile on his face. Silas' eyes sparkle at the sight. He loves it when they read him mystery novels. He always ends up solving the mystery, he thinks hard and pays attention to the clues given to him as one of the demons continues to read the novel to him.

Dipper hates that he can't do anything since he's 6 1/2 months pregnant and is due in 2 weeks or less is what the doctor said. (Demons are pregnant for 7 months since the baby(s) grow faster than humans) When they all went to the library together, Silas decided to let one of his boyfriends read him a mystery novel so he can solve the riddles and stuff.

Both Bill and Yoru agreed seeing no problem with it. They all enjoyed it. Yoru wasn't into mystery novels but ever since they started reading to Silas he got hooked. They even used magic to play murder mystery games. It was a good time that they'll continue to do it even after the baby is born and in their arms.

Silas finished his food. He had an urge to go to their garden that was built after a few months of Silas' pregnancy. After many visits from Queen Avianna, Silas wanted to have a garden in the castle since it was safer than outside. "Hey, let's go to the garden. We can read the novel and play murder mystery games." Silas says. "Sure why not. A change in scenery is good," Bill says as he got up to help Silas get up from the couch.

"Agree, plus the garden is beautiful just like you~". Yoru teases Silas. Silas gently smacks Yoru's shoulder with a pout and flustered. Both demons helped Silas get up from the couch with no struggle at all. " alright let's go" Silas says with his hands on his stomach making his way towards the garden which wasn't that far, just 3 doors down and they'll arrive.

Once they arrive, Silas opens the door revealing a garden full of numerous flowers. Some were tall and blue, red and puffy, green and elegant, etc. The three demons made their way to the flower-designed chairs with blue cushions. Silas sat down with Bill and Yoru following suit. "So, what are we reading today?"

They all said at the same time. They looked at each other, some giving each other playful glares before breaking out in laughter. Yoru wiped a tear from his eyes as he calms down a little from his laughing fit. "How about we make up our own this time? We get to take turns adding a part to the story," Yoru says. Both Bill and Silas thought about it but decided to go with it. It didn't sound like a bad idea. They want to see how this is going to go.

Your started the story then Silas, and lastly Bill. They added twists, riddles, etc and in the end, they solved it. "That's was good! We should do it again!" Silas said with stars in his eyes. Bill and Yoru chuckle. "Definitely," Bill says. The three demons talked for a while until Silas felt tired. They walked to their room making small conversation about the baby.

They walked into their room changing into their pj's. Bill in sweats and a T-shirt, Yoru I'm sweats and a tank top, and Silas in a nightgown. They laid down on their bed with Silas in between Bill and Yoru. "Good night my little pine trees" "Good night my little stars," both Bill and Yoru said as they cuddle up to Silas with one of their hands on his stomach.

"Good night my silly demons" Silas chuckles before accepting darkness to take him away to dreamland.

Hey guys! Sorry, it took me long to update, school is kicking my ass. I hope you have a great Morning, Evening, and Night.

Name: Come little children,

~MyMy Chan

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