Chapter 12

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Dipper's POV
(Couple months later)

"Dipper, bill is gonna be with you the whole day," mom said in her lovely motherly voice. I turned towards her confused as I finish my breakfast. It was just me and mom eating breakfast since the others had something to do. "Today is your father and I anniversary, kill will be supervising the kingdom with will assisting him. Luckily bill is free today to be with you" mom said giving me the 'I know you have a crush on him' look. My face starts to warm up as I whined mom name. she giggled at my facial expression. I settled and said. "Happy anniversary I hope you and dad have a good time today" I got out of my chair walking my way towards mother. Kissing her cheek. I pulled back and see her smiling.

Then tears rolled down her eyes making me alarm. "Mom are you alright," I asked worriedly. "N-no it's alright. I j-just remembered something" she stuttered. I slowly wrapped my arms around her, I pulled her into a hug wishing it will calm her down. She hesitates but wrapped her arms around me. I snuggled remembering something.

"*whimpering* i-i want mommy and daddy"Silas wailed clenching his blanket in his little pale hands. He climbed off his midnight theme bed carrying his midnight blanket with him. Walking towards the door. Silas gradually turned the knob pushing the door afterward. He slowly closed the door before walking through the hallway. The moonlight shined through the dark hallway as Silas made his way to his parent's room barefooted. After about a couple of minutes, Silas made it to his parent's room. He stood on his tippy toes turning the knob, pushing the door seeing his parents asleep. So he thought.

He closed the door as quietly as he can and made his way to his parent's bed. Climbing up the tall bed and wiggle his way between his parents bringing the midnight theme blanket he carried from his room over his small body. Soon after he covers himself with the blanket he snuggles with his parents soon falling asleep. Queen and King Aytigin open their eyes looking at their son in between them. Sound asleep within a second. They both smiled wrapping their arm around their sleeping son falling back to sleep with a smile on their faces.


"Come on mom. I'm pretty~ sure dad is waiting for you" I said. Mom nodded getting out of her seat. I and mom walked side by side leaving the dining area with two guards following us. Once we made it outside I saw bill, kill, and will stand by the door. I walked over to them as mom walked towards dad who was holding mom's favorite flowers. Carnation and Marigold. "Happy anniversary my queen" dad said handing mom her favorite flowers. She grabbed them and kissed dad on the lips. "Thank you, my king"

I smiled gently seeing my mom and dad enjoying their happiness. Mom and dad turned to us and said. "We will be off for a couple of days. But I promise we will be back before you know it." I ran up to my parents, giving them a big hug before seeing them off. I turned to bill, kill, and will. "Alright, kill and will. I believe it's time to start your jobs. I will come now and then to see how you guys are doing." I explained to them before they agreed and walked away.

Now it was just me and bill left. It was kinda awkward since I didn't know what to say to him. I mean it's not easy to talk to someone that you have a crush on or be ALONE with your crush. The silence was shattered by bill saying. "Hey, Silas I want to show you something. I already talked to the others about it so don't worry and get change alright" he said smiling warmly at me.

"Alright, I'll meet you at the front gate" I shouted running into the castle to go to my room and change. When I made it to my room I searched through the closet to find something simple but cute to wear. I saw the clothes that I like and grabbed them quickly changing out of my pj's. And yes I walked out of the castle with my pj's on. So what.

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