Chapter 17

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3rd POV

After multiple rounds, Silas was passed out on the bed covered with his cum as the cum in his hole was leaking out. With Bill and Yoru satisfied with their work, they went to get a warm bath ready while the other picked out night clothes for Silas since it was around 9 pm. When everything was ready Silas was gently put into the bath with Yoru behind him and Bill in front of him. They both cleaned Silas then cleaned themselves.

When finished, Bill dressed Silas while yoru hurriedly dressed into his toture outfit. He has to meet his father in 15 minutes. He certainly can't be late or it'll make his 'father' suspicious. Yoru (After Bill finished dressing Silas into his nightwear) picked Silas up bridle style saying farewell to Bill before teleporting to his room in the castle he and his 'father' lives in. He laid Silas down tucking him in the comforters.

"As much as I hate to be in his presence I need to torture the pines for what they did to my Love. 'Hey, you! Your yandere side is showing' 'Bill? What are you doing?' 'Trying to tell you something but apparently, yandere side is taking over' 'My bad. What do you need to tell me? You'll need to be quick I got less than 6 minutes left.' 'Alright! Your torturing Mabel and Stan while your 'father' is torturing ford right?'

'Yeah, why?' 'Pretend you killed Mabel and send her to me. I want no harm done to her. I want to do that myself. She needs to pay for what she did to Silas' he growled out. 'Bill... Your yandere is showing' I snickered. 'Oh shut up!' With that, he stopped our conversation. I couldn't help but laugh.

Yoru is in the toture room

After we got to the pines we told them that we needed their help with torturing someone. They immediately agreed only because they were targeting one of the maids trying to get her in trouble in multiples ways but I and my 'father' didn't punish her since we know it's the pines and not the maid herself. We made it to the torture room.

The pines look confused at the fact nobody is here in the cell. The cell was completely empty showing blood splatters. " The cell is empty. Where is the person we're helping you torture?" The brat asked looking around then looked up at me. I snapped my fingers putting them in separate cells chained up walls. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" They all yelled.

"Well, we're tutoring each of you. After I'm told you guys specifically not to put your hands-on Silas, but you did it anyway. Know we're gonna to tire you guys until you lose your mind, broken, or killed. But that depends on how we feel. " (you guys are probably like "why is his father joining. Yoru wanted his father distracted so he doesn't go to Silas while he tortures Stan. I'm also gonna skip the torture. I'm sorry. back to the story)

After I finished torturing Stan I killed him by pulling his heart out of his body. Mabel screamed as stan's heart plopped onto the red-covered floor. I walked up to Mabel whispering. " I'm sending you to bill. Have a great time" I snapped my fingers teleporting her to bill. 'Thanks' 'Your welcome. We'll proceed with the plan tomorrow.' 'Fine with me. Just talk to Silas about it and make sure he's ready' 'Alright, see ya'

I teleported to my room to see Silas wide awake. "How long were you up?" I asked changing to some pj's. "When you were in the middle of torturing stan" I climbed into bed putting Silas on my lap. "Did I wake you up?" He shook his head no. I was glad. "Tomorrow is a good time to proceed with the plan. We're going to see your mother then you know the rest." I explain.

He nods his head. "Nervous?" I asked gently rubbing his back that is covered with the royal blue nightgown I picked out for him. "Yeah... What he tried to do still scares me... But I also want to get out of here even if-" Silas stopped talking, his eyes going towards the corner of the room. "He can hear us. There's a camera of some sort behind us on the corner right." He whispered. I looked from the corner of my eyes to see my father's mini camera.

'That some of a bitch!' I closed my eyes seeing where my father is. He's in his room sleep. Trust me I know when my father's sleep or not. His body is tense. I sighed in relief causing Silas to look at me confused. "Don't worry he's asleep. He didn't hear us" he sighed in relief. "That's good. I have an outfit ready for tomorrow for the plan. You and bill are not gonna like it. Neither do I. But we need this to work" he explained.

He got off my lap walking towards the closet pulling out the one outfit that made me want to see Silas in but also makes me want to tear it to pieces. "Oh Hell no!" I growled out. 'Bill take a look at this 'Don't tell me that's what he planning to wear when we start the plan?' Bill asked/growled out. 'Yes. Yes, it is 'Silas. You better not put that on.' Bill warned. Silas put the outfit back in the closet shrugging.

"I'm tired now good night" as soon Silas laid down cuddled up to my side he instantly fell asleep. 'He's going to wear that outfit tomorrow' Bill growled out. 'I know. But~' 'But what?' 'We get to punish him. We can put him in exposed clothes. How about it?' It was silent until Bill said. 'Sounds like the perfect plan for me. Maybe we can add more toys this time.' 'Definitely.' I smirked mentally. 'We'll see tomorrow. I'm going to fill everyone else in. Adios!'

Bill's POV

"So Silas and queen Aytigan is ok at the moment," Will said sitting by the hospital bed King Aytigan is sitting on. "Yes, Yoru is helping me. He's keeping an eye on Queen Aytigan and Silas. " That's good. But Bill can we really trust him? He did kidnap Silas and hurt you" Kill asked worriedly. "Yes, we can trust him. I went through his memories and everything. It was his father controlling him sometimes. And the most disgusting thing is... I believe King Daemon is doing that is so he can get to Silas"

They all showed disgust in their eyes and honestly, I can't blame them for it. That was my reaction when king daemon put his filthy hands on Silas. "Alright, this meeting is dismissed. Continue on what you were doing." We all bowed before we exit the room. "Do you think the plan will work?" Will asked. I sighed remembering the outfit Silas showed. And I see why he picked it.

We need to make this believable as much as possible. But if he wears it he'll be punished. I don't want that filthy king touching Silas in any way. "I believe the plan will work"

Hey guys! Sorry for the chapter is short. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a good Morning, Evening, and Night.

Name: Make a Wish

Credit to NCT for making this song and Jaeguchi for making this video

~MyMy Chan

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