Chapter 22

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Silas's POV

I woke to be blinded by bright lights that hurt my eyes. "Baby!? Are you awake?" I heard a feminine voice say in a worried voice. I turn to my left to see my mom next to me bawling her eyes. Did I make her worry that much? I look into her eyes giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm doing good mom, even though that was painful I'm still good," I said calming her nerves.

"Thank nature your ok," my mom says wrapping her pale hands around my hand. I look around the room only to see nobody else here. I'm pretty sure Dad, Bill, and Yoru was here when they brought me to Dr. Kai. "Hey, mom, where are the others?" I asked gently rubbing my stomach. "They are talking to Dr. Kai at the moment. Don't worry they will be back. How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

I shook my head no. "I don't feel any pain at the moment." After I said that Dr. Kai, Dad, Bill, and Yoru walked into the room. "Hello, Prince Silas! How are you feeling?" Dr. Kai asked, his hand holding the clipboard while he smiles at me. "I'm good, I don't feel any pain at the moment," I answered continuing to rub my stomach. "That's good! In about an hour we will help you give birth to the baby," he said writing stuff down on the clipboard. "For now rest up, your energy is needed when giving birth," he says before he walks out.

It was silence between all of us. It wasn't an awkward type of silence it was more of comfortable silence. Well, it was quiet but Yoru spoke up breaking the comfortable silence. "Our baby girl is going to be so beautiful just like her mother," Yoru says as he gently lifts my hand from the hospital bed, giving my hand a peck. "I have to agree with Yoru. I can't wait till our baby girl is in our arms," Bill says standing by Yoru's side with a smile on his face. I smile at both of them. I'm so glad that I'm with them. If I was with anybody else, I don't think I would be happy like I am now.

It's been almost an hour and a half. I was talking with everyone sharing ideas of what activities we could do when Rose is old enough to do certain activities like going out to the forest and riding the dragons. I was telling them about the dragon ride idea until I yelped out in pain clutching my stomach.

Tears were falling down my pale cheeks as the pain expanded making me clutch the sheets tearing them with my nails. "Are you ok?!" Everyone asked. I nod slowly breathing in and out so I could calm down. Then another kick came but this time it was stronger. I screamed in pain clutching my stomach harder drawing a little bit of blood.

"DR. KAI! SOMETHING IS WRONG!" I heard my dad shout. Within seconds Dr. Kai was standing next to me telling me to breathe. Trust me I am. This baby is ready to come out and she would find any way to get out. "Everyone needs to get out except for Bill and Yoru." Dr. Kai said hurriedly. I heard footsteps become softer the further they went. I knew right away that mom and dad left the room.

"Ok silas, I'm going to lift the gown and when I say push please push with all your strength ok?" Dr. Kai says reassuringly. This is going to be painful. I nod my head quickly wanting to get our baby out. I felt the gown lift up and my legs raised. "Ok, 1. . .2. . .3. . . Push!" That's exactly what I did and fucking hell does it hurt like a bitch. "Ok stop and take a breather,"

I took deep breaths slowly trying not to panic. Is my baby going to be ok? What if something happens to my baby? What if-. My thoughts were interrupted by two soft voices. "Hey, it's going to be ok," "don't worry, our baby is going to be ok," I smiled at my two fiancees and took calming breaths. "Thank you," I said once I finally calm down. "1. . .2. . .3. . . Push!" And we did this on repeat. Push, take a breather, push, take a breather.

We did this until my baby came out crying. Tears developed in my eyes seeing my baby girl. My vision became blurry but it wasn't because of the tears. "I-i'm tired" I mumbled. Next thing I know my eyes shut welcoming darkness.

Yoru POV

Me and Bill smile at our crying baby girl. She is so beautiful. I could tell she got her looks from her beautiful mother. "I-i'm tired" we heard Silas say. We look down at him only to see his eyes closed. I panicked and I know Bill did too considering he asked Dr. Kai if Silas was ok. "He is good, he is just resting since he used his energy giving birth to your baby"

Dr. Kai whispers while he gave our baby to a nurse to get her cleaned up. I look back at Silas with a smile plaster on my pale face. "You did a good job," I said before I kissed his forehead. "You did a fantastic job," Bill says also kissing him on the forehead. I can't believe that we have our baby with us and we are going to get married soon. I would have never thought this would happen to me, but I'm glad it did even though there were some bad times.

The nurse that went to clean our baby came back with our baby wrapped up in a white blanket with small butterflies. "Here is your baby," the nurse whisper handing Bill our baby. "Thank you," we said before she nods her head and walked out the room shutting the door quietly. "I'll go get King and Queen Aytigan," I said walking towards the door. Bill gave me a nod while sitting in a rocking chair next to Silas's bed.

I walked out the door making sure I shut it quietly so I won't wake up Silas from his well-needed rest. I walked to the waiting room a hall away from Silas's room. I could tell that the king and queen is going to spoil our little princess. Once I make it to the waiting room I open the door to be met with the king sitting down looking like a nervous wreck while the Queen was walking around in circles.

"Your Majesty," I spoke up catching both of their attention. It scared me cause they looked up so quickly I thought they were going to twist their neck. "Is my babies ok?" Queen Aytigan asked clutching my shirt with her pale hands nearly poking a hole. "He is ok, he is resting now while the baby is asleep in Bill's arms," I reassure her hoping she'll let go of my shirt.

She lets go letting out a squeal of excitement. "Let's go see our babies!" She exclaims dragging King Aytigan to the room where Silas, Bill, and rose are. 'Please don't wake Silas up he needs rest' I thought to myself while I walk I to the room with them. When we made it, I open the door showing a still asleep Silas, I smiling Bill, and a sleeping Rose. Queen Aytigan walks over to the baby picking her up gently from Bill's arms.

"She so cute!" She yells waking Silas up from his sleep. "Mmm, where is my baby?" He says looking around the room. Queen Aytigan chuckles and gently hands Rose to Silas. Silas wraps his arms protectively around Rose, smiling down at her. "Your so Beautiful," tears swell in his eyes going down to his cheeks. I and Bill walk to the side of the bed pecking his head.

"She is beautiful just like you," Bill says gently grabbing Rose's hands. We finally have our baby and now we are going to marry the love of our life.

Hey guys! Sorry, it took me long to update this story. I had writer's block and I'm not feeling well. I hope you guys have a Good Morning, Evening, and Night!

Name: Isabelle Lullaby
By: The promise Neverland

Credit to The Promise Neverland for making this song and Credit to LeeandLie for making a cover of this song

~MyMy Chan

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