Chapter 16

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Silas POV

"Hey, guys what are you talking about?" I asked wondering why Yoru sounded so excited when I was walking back to the living room. Both Bill and Yoru looked at me then each other. "Come here, Silas. There's something we would like to discuss with you" Bill announced. I just assumed it was about the plan so I made my way to the couch sitting between Bill and Yoru.

"What is it?" I asked. They both sighed looking at each other than at me again. I wonder what the problem is? They seem so... Hesitant about telling me something. " We're going to be straightforward with you to make this easier for the two of us," Yoru said. I looked at both of them waiting for them to tell me what's going on. I hope it's nothing terrible.

"We love you, Silas!" They both shouted at the same time. I was silent trying to process what they said. Their words rang in my head until they finally hit me I can feel my face start heating up. Wait a minute they like me too. Well, at least I don't have to hide it anymore. "I-i love you two as well." The next thing I know yoru lips are connected to mine. I was surprised at first but started to kiss him back.

Bill started rubbing my thighs close to my member. I moaned into Yoru's mouth squirming a little bit. Yoru pulled away from my swollen lips. Without a second to lose bill rushed and claim my lips. Damn, there's no doubt they have been waiting for this. After that, I felt hands roaming my body causing me to shiver slightly at the touch. When their hands pinched my nipple I moaned into bill's mouth.

3rd POV

Bill with his lips still connected to Silas's lips picked him up carrying him bridle style going to a special room yoru had just in case. Yoru opens the bedroom door that's filled with BDSM toys and other things. Bill pinned Silas to the bed taking his clothes off while yoru went to grab the things they will be using. Yoru soon came back to see a naked Bill and Silas making out.

Yoru smirked at the sight of Silas. Yoru quickly took his clothes off. He then taps bill's shoulder making bill go to a stop with a panting Silas on the bed. "I got the stuff" he smirked handing bill the handcuffs attaching them to the headboard then handcuffing both his hands. "H-hurry up~" Silas whined. Bill hearing Silas whine quickly grabbed a black blindfold and wrapped it around Silas's eyes.

He then grabs a ball gag and puts it in his mouth causing him to whimper slightly. "Don't worry just need a couple more things than we can start~" Bill said in a teasing tone while he grabbed a vibrator and pushed it into Silas's tight pink hole. "Mmmhh~" Silas moaned out from the vibrator. Yoru grabbed the remote to the vibrator and put it on high then low on repeat.

"MMMMMHHHHHH!~" Silas moaned out due to the vibrator and yoru pinching and licking his hard nipples. "You like that don't you silas~" yoru whispered in Silas's ears which cause a visible shiver and his back arched. "Look yoru" yoru looked towards where bill is pointing at. "Looks like he hard." Bill pointed out licking the precum. "Mmmhhhh~" Silas moaned tucking at the handcuffs.

"Maybe we should stop teasing him," Yoru said smirking at bill who knew what yoru is thinking. "Yeah you're right" Yoru uncuffed the cuffs from the headboard and cuff both of silas' hands together putting them behind his back. Bill moved the vibrator around making Silas shake intensely. While bill was doing that, the vibrator was getting close to his prostate.

Bill who wanted Silas to cum already, pushed the vibrator further into Silas pink wet hole hitting his prostate immediately. "MMMMHHHHH~ MMMMMHHHHH~" Cum splurted out of Silas as he moaned loud due to his climax. The cum was all over Silas and a little bit on Bill who was smirking at the view in front of him.

"Whoops, I forgot the vibrator was on high" bill chuckled out as he pulled out the vibrator. Silas's chest was rising and falling trying to catch his breath that he lost from the pleasure. Bill lifted Silas pushing his dick inside silas tight wet hole. "Mmmmhhhhhh" Silas eyes widen at the feeling of the dick inside his hole. "Ssshhh~ it's ok, it'll get better" they both whispered in Silas's ear. After Silas got used to the size yoru slowly insert his dick in the hole.

Silas POV

When I felt another dick insert me I cried out in pain making one of them stop. I felt hands travel throughout my body until they got to my nipples. They begin to suck, rub, and pinch my nipples causing me to moan. Then one of the hands made it to my dick rubbing it slowly. I whimper trying to make more friction which causes me to go down. Both dicks all the way in my hole hitting my prostate right away.

"MMMMHHHHH~ MMMMMHHHHHH~ MMMMHHHH~" "Nnnnggggggg"  we all moan/groan. The gag was quickly taken out of my mouth which didn't get a chance to be free since somebody hurriedly claims my lips as they slowly thrust into my hole. "F-faster~" They both gripped my hip slamming me down rough. "A-AAH~ FUCK! RIGHT THERE! AAHHH~" I feel like I'm going crazy! The repetitive thrust hitting my prostate, them stroking my dick, pinching my nipples, sucking and nibbling my neck.

"AAAHHHHH!~ I'm go-gonna ngh~ cum!" After I announced that they went faster like a beast in rut. I can already tell when this is over I won't be able to walk. I soon felt a funny feeling below. Fuck! I'm about to cum! "AAAAHHHH~" White strings cane out of my dick covering my stomach and a little bit of my chest. "Round 2?" I heard yoru ask. "Why not" oh lord, I'm 100% not going to be able to walk.


Hey guys! So don't judge me alright! This my first time writing smut/lemon. I tried my best. And yes they are officially together now just in case your wondering. Welp hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good Morning, Evening, and Night.

Name: Lights Down low
By: Bei Maejor

Credit to the Bei Maejor and D I X Y for making this video/song

~MyMy Chan

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