Chapter 8

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Prince Yoru POV

"In then-" I raised my hands sending a signal to the little brat to shut the hell up. She stopped quickly shutting her mouth. I sighed putting my hands down on my armrest. "That's enough thank you" she bowed down. Why did I hire this little brat all she does is run her mouth and act all bratty. I sighed again before getting out of my throne. Walking towards the door. The little brat eyes followed my move as she looked at me with a questioning look.

In front of the door, I motioned her to follow me. She ran towards me trying to catch up. I pushed the door open walking out with each step making a *clicking* sound. "Where is your Gruncle?" I asked not taking a glance at her. "He's in the lab working on the phantom shadows. He said something about improving them." I nod my head. After a while of walking to the bastar- I mean ford lab there was a loud growl echoing throughout the castle.

I wasn't fazed by it, but I can't say the same to the brat that's shaking like a leaf. I continued walking not caring if that brat follows me or not. I pushed the door open to ford lab only to see the place a mess and a phantom shadow ready to chew ford's head off which I wouldn't mind he's annoying but I need him right now. I whistled to catch the phantom shadow's attention. I took my hand out waiting for the shadow to come towards me.

Which it did. I pet its head causing it to purr and rub its head against my hand. I pulled my hands away looking up at ford who was now bowing. "I heard that you were improving the phantom shadows," I said walking closer to him my cape dragging behind me. "Yes, your highness I am" I hummed looking around the lab. "So what did you improve then?" he quickly got up almost falling to the ground, but sadly he caught himself before walking towards the phantom shadow that I pet earlier.

"I experimented with Mabel's help of course" I looked at the brat who winked at me. I simply rolled my eyes at her. She is annoying. Especially when she tries to seduce me. If you want me to be honest she terrible at it. Some of the things she says don't even make sense. I also know what they did to my future husband so there not off the hook. Sadly I can't kill them since they are helpful to my plans.

I snap back to reality when I saw ford forcefully opening the phantom shadow mouth. "Now that I got the mouth open I can explain what I improved," he said in a whisper. "I added a liquid-like substance inside of the canines. So if he bit someone or one of the creatures it would cause them to be weak." I hummed as I smelled something disgusting. I looked around the room until my eyes landed on something. "I'm guessing you used them to test it out" I pointed at the box full of dead creatures. One of them looked half-dead, but still alive. . . Barely.

Ford turned his attention to the pile of dead creatures in the box. "Oh yes, I used them" he answered. "I thought they get weak, not dead" I commented. I see a drop of sweat slowly go down his face. "Well, I may or may not have killed them. I have no purpose for them" I tik mark appeared on my head. This FOOL why couldn't he re-use them. The creatures I gave him were able to kill the poison and everything else. I felt a gush of wind pass me with my hair following the wind.

"You FoOl" I shouted in my demonic voice. They begin to shake scared of what to come. I quickly calmed down before I ended up destroying the place. "You better send one of the phantom shadows to go fetch some creatures. Next time you do THAT again me and the others will torture you till your last dying breath" I threatened. They shakily nodded their heads. "Good now do as I say I'll be in the throne room with my father and you," I said pointing at the brat. She looked around until she pointed at herself. "M-me?" I rolled my eyes annoyingly.

"Yes, you. I need you to go to the library and get these books that are on the list and bring them to the throne room. One of my followers will get it and bring it to my room. Do you both understand" I commanded? "Yes your majesty," they both said at the same time. "Good, now go" with that they did what they were told now to see dad. I snapped my fingers teleporting myself to my dad's room.

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