Chapter 13

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3rd POV

Bill's smirk vanished away when he heard numerous growls coming from the other side of the wall that prevented them from fighting the shadow beast. Everybody turned their attention towards the sound as growling continues to erupt. Yoru smirk slowly formed on his face. Dipper turned his attention to yoru who was smirking. "WHAT IS GOING ON" Silas yelled over the loud growls. Yoru looked at Silas with a sweet obsessive look. "Those My darling~" yoru begin referring to the wall signaling the growl over the wall.

"Are my top five best phantom beasts that have been created" he finished laughing darkly with his arm stretched out. Out of nowhere, the wall begins to break down as the phantom beasts slam their strong hands against the wall establishing more cracks to the wall. The wall finally shattered as all five phantom beasts appeared in a human form with glowing red eyes, black silky hair, and black mist-like ears and tail. They were wearing a black sleeveless skin-tight shirt, red jacket with black pockets, chains, black pants, black gloves, and red and black shoes.

Everyone except yoru got into a fighting position. "Looks like the fun has just begun! I'll be watching you guys fight my phantom beasts. And you darling~" yoru pointed at Silas as his smirk grew. Silas scowled at yoru as he summoned a blue dagger that has liquid on the center. (If he cut someone or stab the dagger into someone, it will paralyze a certain part of their body that has been cut.) "Be careful alright. Some of these people you know" Silas was confused. 'Who do I know?'

Silas turned around to see two people that bullied him in high school. "Henry. . . Drake" Silas said eyes widen at the familiar faces. Silas growled out throwing the dagger at yoru who easily dodged it. "Aaawwww~ don't be like that," yoru said. Silas glared at him harder than before. "SILAS LOOKOUT"  bill shouted as one of the phantom beats that look like Drake ran up to Silas. Silas quickly moved to the side taking out his swords that are covered in blueish-green fire.

"WE'RE GONNA HAVE TO FIGHT ON OUR OWN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. WE CANNOT LET THEM TOWARDS THE CREATURES" Silas yelled out. Everyone nodded. That's when the fight begins. Weapons striking, phantom beasts attacking, someone summoning weapons and spells, screaming, growling, and laughter can be heard. The creatures that slept before the fight happen are now in a safe place for when the phantom beasts attack.

Once the phantom beasts were slaughtered, everyone turned their attentions towards yoru who looked amazed but furious at the same time. "Wow. . . You guys defeated my top phantom beasts. But looks like I'm gonna have to fight to get what I want" yoru sighed floating down from the tree. Everyone got into a fighting position, while yoru just stood there waiting for someone to make their first move.

Silas's POV

We all got into a fighting position ready for yoru to make the first move, but he didn't make his first move. I summoned three daggers that have paralyzed liquid in them. Without a second thought, I threw the daggers at yoru. Yoru quickly dodges the daggers. Bill then teleported behind yoru with his leg up ready to kick him, but the kick got blocked. Kill and will summon their flames mixing them sending the hot flames towards yoru.

Yoru moved to the side slightly getting burned. A hiss escaped his mouth as a burn mark appeared on his arm. Takashi then swipes his claws at yoru scratching his face. Yoru, getting irritated summoned four phantom beasts to attack bill, kill, will, and Takashi. I was going to go help them but was quickly stopped by the black flames that surrounded me.

I turned around a glare making its way to yoru who just had a smirk on his face. "No no no darling, you have to fight me while those insects are fighting my phantom beasts," yoru said walking through the flames that surrounded me. "What do you want" I growled out. Yoru begins to chuckle as he summoned something behind his back. "I just want. . . YOU" he shouted at the end as he swung his arms to insert something sharp into me. I bent backward doing a black flip kicking yoru on the arm causing him to drop what he had in his hand.

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