Chapter 2

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WARNING- mention of abuse and cuttingI'll advise you to not read the paragraph if triggered. I'll give you guys a warning.

Dipper's pov

"Bill" his smirk became wider when I said his name. Shivers went down my spine seeing his big smirk. "Yep, you got it right Pinetree!" He put his hands on my left cheeks. A hiss escaped my lips as bill's hand made contact with my left cheek. He quickly moved his hands away. "What happened to you Pinetree  . . . And why is there a mark on your cheek?" I turned the other way

"Pinetree. Tell me what happens" you can hear the anger slipping out of his lips. "It's nothing bill. Now. Let. Me. Go" bill turned red for a second before it went back to his normal yellow color. Bill snapped his fingers again. I shut my eyes until I felt myself sit on something. Wait why am I sitting on his lap. Bill leaned into my ear whispering. "Come on Pinetree you don't want me to go into that smart mind of yours do you," I thought about it. I don't mind he was going to figure it out anyway, so why does it matter anyway.

"Sure go ahead. You were going to find out anyway." I said plainly. Bill chuckled before snapping his fingers making black dots appear. Soon everything went black.

Bill's pov

Never expected him to let me in his mind. I picked Pinetree up bridle style, slowly putting him against a tree. Now that I'm close up, he looks cute. I'm getting off-topic right now. I snapped my fingers teleporting myself into Pinetree's mind. "Alright what door should I go through-" I was interrupted by a voice. "That door over there." I nearly jumped out of this meat shack hearing the voice out of now where. I turned to the voice and seen a pine tree standing there pointing at something.

(Mention of abuse)
I turned my attention to the door Pinetree is pointing at. "I'll lead you through my memories as we go," Pinetree said walking towards the door. I followed behind him as he opens the door. When the door opens my eyes widen at what I see. All the memories show the pinetree getting beaten to a bloody pulp, humiliated in front of everyone, starved, cutting, etc.

I looked at the pinetree who just had an emotionless expression. "Let's go bill. I don't want to be here all day" I nodded my head walking through these painful memories. "Pinetree" he hummed letting me know he was listening. "How long has this been going on?" It was silent until he said "since I was 5"
(Mention of abuse over)

I. . . Have no words to say. Pinetree has been through this for so long. I made it worse when I took control of his body. "This is it. It's over. Know can we leave" he growled at the end? "Yeah," I said snapping my fingers teleporting out of Pinetree's mind.

Dipper's POV

I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. "Pinetree. . . I have no idea you went through that." He stayed silent for a little bit. "Do you want to stay with me instead? I'll protect you from them" I'm surprised. 'Staying with him might be a little better than staying with them. Then again I can't have them go in the forest'

"I can put a barrier around the forest. And when they call the police I'll mind control them, so don't worry Pinetree" welp at least he put up a barrier. "Alright, I'll stay with you deal" I lift my hands for the bill to shake. He took my hands shaking it "Deal"Blue beautiful flames begin to lick around my hands as the deal is being sealed.

Once the flame disappeared I felt my energy getting taken away from me. "B-bill what's going o-" my body gave out as I tried to speak. I felt hands around my body, keeping me from hitting the ground. "I got you Pinetree, everything is gonna be alright" That was the last thing I heard before sleep took over my body.

Bill's POV
I picked up a pine tree carrying him bridal style. I was about to snap my fingers until I felt something scratch my face. I turned around to see sixer, fez, and shooting star. A groan escapes my lips knowing I'll have to deal with them. "What do you want," I said anger seeping out. "WE WANT DIPPER YOU DORITO" my facial expression went emotionless as I stared at them.

"How about no. He's coming with me whether you like it or not" *Vvrrrrr* "so sixer decided that your gonna shoot me again with your little toy" I chuckled. "Bring. Back. My. Nephew." They are pissing me off right now. "How about No YoU pEsT" I felt Pinetree shift a little in his sleep before he relaxed. I sighed good thing I didn't wake him up. "As I said earlier, I'm not handing him over" I teleported me and Pinetree to my fear-amid without another word.

I walked down the hallway trying not to let my anger out with Pinetree in my arms. Those pests are annoying. Do they not understand the word no. I can't wait to torture them. Hear them plead for mercy. I chuckle a little before stopping at a yellow door where my bedroom is. I tapped the door with my foot. Making the door open wide enough for me to walk in.

I walked over to the bed, carefully laying Pinetree down on my black and yellow bed. I snapped my fingers, putting Pinetree in blue silk pajamas. I smiled as I pull the covers over his shoulders. "Sweet dreams Pinetree." With that I exit out of the room, close the door quietly. "Know to see what the pines are doing now. I snapped my fingers teleporting to the mystery shack.

Sixer needs to upgrade his security. I should not have got in here that easily. I made myself invisible as I walked around looking for the pines. "WE NEED TO GET THE KID STANLEY" I heard someone yell. I turned the corner meeting sixer and fez arguing in the kitchen. "OH IS IT BECAUSE you're STILL TALKING TO HIM AND FOLLOWING HIS ORDERS" ooohh I need some popcorn for this. I summoned popcorn, stuffing some in my face.

"YES STANLY IF WE DON'T HAVE DIPPER WITH US UNTIL HIS NEXT BIRTHDAY WHICH IS IN 3 IN A HALF MONTHS AWAY, HE WILL HAVE OUR HEADS." It was silent as fez looked pissed. "This wouldn't be our problem if you haven't followed his order and kidnapped him for the son of a bitch you call king."

Fez stormed off with his hands in a fist. Wow, sixer you pissed off fez. But I'm most worried about this "king" they are talking about, and why those he needs Pinetree. I teleported back to the fear amid, walking down the silent hallway looking for my office. Once I laid my eyes on my office door, I pushed it open quickly shutting it. I need kill and will for this one.
Hey everyone I hope you're having a good morning, evening, and night
This is bill

________________________________________Hey everyone I hope you're having a good morning, evening, and night This is bill

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~MyMy Chan

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