Chapter 14

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3rd POV

When king daemon and prince yoru were out of the cipher brother's view, they both began to chuckle darkly seeing that they succeeded in taking their 'lover' that they been wanting to be with for a long time. Even while waiting there were a few times when they almost went and took their lover because of jealousy, 'lover' hurt, and/or just want to see them. Which is all the time. Even the maids and the butlers had to stop the two from getting their 'lover'. When they made it to their castle they told their maids to get everything ready for their lover and make sure that everything is perfect with a deadly glare that sent chills down their backs.

The maids without a second thought quickly did what they were told frightened that they will have to face the consequences if they said no or protested. Which they wanted to do but knew better than to complain and say no to their masters they promise to serve. When the maids were finished getting everything prepared and perfect king daemon and prince yoru went their separate ways wishing each other good luck with their 'lover' still in their arms unconscious.

Yoru POV

When I wished my dad good luck I walked away heading to the special room I had the maids clean and decorate for when I get Silas in my possession. I looked down at Silas taking in his fascinating features. His brown fading to blue hair, pale delicate skin, lovely rosy pink lips that are kissable. After examining his beautiful characteristics I looked down at his outfit. The dress suits him specifically with his feminine body, the black knee-high boots matching the outfit. He just looks decent in everything and I have the right outfit for him. When I made it to the special room I muttered a spell underneath my breath as to not waken Silas who is slumbering peacefully in my arms, hair hovering over his eyes as he proceeds to snore.

The door opened allowing me to walk in. Once I walked into the special room made for my lover the door shut. I looked down at Silas as he stirred in my arm until he relaxed. I sighed a breath of relief glad he didn't wake up. That wouldn't be decent if he woke up right now since I have to change him. I placed him on his midnight design bed gently. I walked over to the wardrobe and opened it revealing clothes that Silas like (I did my research. . . more likely looked through my love mind to see what he liked) I walked over to where the pajamas are and picked a midnight blue silky nightdress and walked out shutting the closet door.

After yoru changed Silas

After I changed Silas, I laid him back down on the bed and put the blanket over his feminine body. He nuzzles further onto the blanket before relaxing. I looked at Silas with guilt. I just wish my father wasn't like this casting a spell on me just to act like him since I'm a yandere like him. But I didn't want to kidnap him, I just wanted to spend time with him. I mean yeah I'll kill anyone that's in my way or hurt Silas, but I never wanted to kidnap him. Maybe I can visit bill.

I looked at the time to see it's about to be 10:35. I sighed snapping my fingers changing my outfits into warm pajamas. I laid down next to Silas tugging the blanket over myself before wrapping my arms around Silas making sure nobody get close to him. I closed my eyes allowing darkness to take over me. I woke up in a mindscape seeing a throne and a person. With yellow hair. "Bill, I need to talk to you," I said grabbing bill's attention.

Bill looked down at me with rage dancing around in his eye. "What do you want" bill growled out. I stayed silent for a few seconds gathering my thoughts and putting them together like puzzle pieces. "We need to talk. You need to know what's going on. And trust me Silas is safe I made sure of that" I notified him. He looked at me with a raised brow. "What is it?" He asked leaning back on his throne. "Well. . . I'm not fully in control of my body. Yes, I am yandere, but it's not bad as it is observed or believed. My 'father' cast me in a spell when I was 4 years old. The spell makes me do what he wants me to do. . . act like him. Which is not good since he's a yandere and he knows that I'm in love with Silas. My 'father thinks that I forgot/don't recall him casting a spell on me, but I do. I want you to help me and I'll help you, but. . . I want something in return when I help you." I said.

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