chapter 3 part 2

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Author note: kill is not Silas's brother. They see each other as brother's and soon you will find out who Silas is.

Will's POV
After witnessing the memory, it stood silent between us three until kill said "well so~ is it just me or if I recall king daemon looks familiar" I shook my head. "He does seem familiar. Like we saw him at Arden fore-" I trailed off at the end as different memories begin to pop in my head." I looked at my brothers who had shocked faces. " OK I know I wasn't the only one who seen those memories."

"No your not the only one. Why did the memories suddenly pop up in our head?" bill had an uncertain look on his face. "Well that's because of me" I jumped when I heard the unknown voice. "WHO ARE YOU" kill yelled. His hands were now in a fighting position. "Didn't you just say my name just now?" Wait a minute. You don't mean. "King daemon pleasure to meet you, cipher brothers. King daemon slowly stepped out of the shadow having a smirk plastered on his pale skin.

"YOU BASTARD WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KIDNAP THE PRINCE!" Kill snarled at the king wanting to attack him right then and there. "Well if you want to know so BADLY then I'll tell you". The King walked over to his throne with his hands behind his back. He sat down on the throne crossing his legs and leaning his head on the back of his hand. He snapped his fingers causing his eyes to turn into a grey color. The chairs appeared behind the cautious cipher brothers. "Take a seat".

The cipher brother hesitantly sat down look at the king. They made sure to prepare for an attack if needed. This is how it all started."


narrator POV

A small boy around the age of 6 was walking around in the shadowy part of the forest. Next to the shadowy part of the forest is a bright blue forest. The little boy was sickened with how bright the part of the forest is. He was about to walk back to the castle until he heard soft sweet laughter coming from behind him. He instantly turned his attention towards the soft sweet giggle. "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME BROTHER" squealed a little boy with brown fading to blue hair.

"YOU WANT TO BET ON IT" A male with rosy red hair shouted to the little boy. The small boy giggled in response. Speeding up so the male wouldn't catch him. The little boy hid behind a long tree. The small boy snickered hiding behind the tree abruptly, the redhead scooped up the little boy who squealed out in shock. The redhead boy put the boy on his hip. The little boy was still shocked that he has been found. When the small boy finally went back to reality he started to pout. "That's not fair K " the small boy whined. A pout formed on the small boy's face as the 6-year-old prince's cheeks became a rosy pink. 'He's gorgeous' thought the 6-year-old boy.

Kill chuckled at the face the small boy making. "So I got a nickname now." The small boy shook his head. "Yeah, do you like it?" The small boy tilted his head to the side. "I love it Silas" the small boy's face gleamed with joy. Then for know on, I'll call you K" Silas hugged the redhead male. Kill smiles hugging the small boy back. They stood there snuggling before a voice yelled for them. "KILL. PRINCE SILAS. WE HAVE TO GET BACK AT THE CASTLE"

"Well looks like we have to go you ready" Silas shook his head plopping his head on kill's shoulder. Kill ruffled Silas's hair before making his way to the castle. Silas turned around seeing the 6-year old boy. Silas smiled at the boy before turning back around. The little prince stood there in awe. "I want him to be my wife. The prince ran home, excited to tell his father about the little boy he saw. Once he made it to the castle, he walked to the throne room where his father was waiting for him. " Welcome back how was your walk. The King said to his little son.

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