Chapter 10

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Silas POV  (In the dream)

"Where am I?" I said sitting up from the hard grassy ground. I looked around seeing green trees and grass with the moonlight shining its way through the green leaves. One thing that stood out the most was a giant blue tree mixed with light blue and white. The leaves turning to rose petals as they gracefully fall to the bluegrass surrounding it. I was amazed at the giant blue tree. I pushed myself up from the green grass making my way to the blue tree.

Once I was in front of the beautiful tree I see a small blue crystal surrounding the tree like a belt around someone's waist. The crystal was formed into a tear-like shape with a wolf-like creature on the inside. I was amazed by the design of the crystal. To be honest, I want to learn more about this tree, but my main concern is how did I get here in the first place. "That's because I bought you here" I quickly turned around scanning my surroundings to look for the owner of the unknown voice. When I didn't see anyone or anything I decided that it was best to ask.

"Who are you," I asked still scanning my surroundings. "I'm right behind you," it said sounding close. I turned around to face the tree. I still didn't see anyone or anything unless. "Your behind the tree," I said. "Your a smart one little one. Yes, I am behind the tree." It said. Soon after it said that it walked out in a bluish lilac dress with small blue and white flowers around her arms, she had a crown with the same flowers that are on her arm, her eyes were the color of the moonlight shining through the leaves, her skin like milk chocolate, behind the crown was a light blue veil touching the ground as she takes a step closer to me. To be honest she beautiful.

"I'm queen Avianna the queen of the trees" I bowed down to her. "Queen Avianna I'm prince Silas Dipper Aytigan from Arden forest," I said before getting back up to my feet. She chuckled before she put her hands up. "You don't have to bow down to me" she smiled at me. Her smile is like a mother's. "Not trying to be rude or anything, but why did you bring me here?" I asked politely. She turned around walking towards the blue gorgeous tree. She stopped right in front of the tear-shaped crystal and took it off the tree.

I was beyond confused as to why she took the crystal off the tree. She turned around with the crystal in her hands and begin to walk towards me. When she was in front of me she lifted her hands a little (since she is taller than me) putting the crystal above my chest. Out of nowhere the crystal impaled into my skin like it was apart of me. I expected it to hurt, but it just felt tingling. The stone shined a white light blinding me for a while.

When I opened my eyes back open I felt a little different. I looked down to see I'm in a different outfit, more like a fighting outfit. I also have a kitsune mask on. I took it off looking at the designs. A good mask. I scanned the outfit that I'm wearing looking at the design. it's not bad, to be honest, it's kinda my style. (Picture is below) I looked up to queen Avianna confused about the gem and the change of clothes.

"Why. . . How" I was confused I had no words to say about this sudden transformation. The queen chuckled softly at my confused state. "I'll answer your question depending on what you already know." She said snapping her fingers making a glass flower design table appear right beside us with some chair that also has a flower design. We both made our way to the table set sitting down.

"Did your father tell you about the phantom shadows and other details about them?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "We also been training to fight, but he cut it short since I already knew how to fight and analyze my opponent, but I'm still learning how to control my powers," I said. She nodded before she started to explain about the gem and the clothing I was wearing including the accessories I have on

"The gem that's connected to your skin Is called a tear soul. Inside of the tear soul is a creature that will be by your side fighting battles or something else" I nodded my head taking the little information in. "With the tear soul connected to you it will make you immortal you will also heal a little quicker than a normal human being. Same with your creature" she added. "Question how am I supposed to know what the creature is?" I asked.

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