Chapter 21

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Silas POV

I now have less than 2 weeks before I give birth to our baby girl is what Takashi told me 2 months since he is a part of me he knows what the baby's gender is and whether the baby is healthy or not. Right now I am in a meeting with Mom, Dad, Bill, and Yoru even Takashi is out in his human form sitting between Bill and Dad.

It was silent between us, nobody speaking a single word to one another. To be honest, I'm confused about why I was bought to this meeting after being told by everyone not to include myself in meetings since it will cause stress to myself and the baby. Not able to take the silence anymore I spoke up. "May we know why we were all called down to have this meeting knowing I can't be included in them?" I asked.

I was worried. The silence was louder than any bomb created by humans with their mere hands. Everybody got up from their seat shutting the lights off with a snap of their fingers making me see nothing but black. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. "H-hey guys. . . What are you doing? and why are the lights shut off"

Fear was clear in my voice. What should I do? I mean yeah I can use magic but it's a lot harder since I'm pregnant. If I have to do what I need to do so be it! My baby comes first. Before I could do anything the lights flicker on showing everybody with a bright smile on their faces... Well except for Takashi who showed a small gentle smile.

Behind them was a table full of food, gifts, pretty decorations just to sum it all up easily; It was pink balloons with golden specks, 1 pink cloth table filled with food, and more decorations. There was also another pink cloth table with presents and decorations. "What is this?"

I asked looking around appreciating the beautiful work done by my family. Bill and Yoru walked up with one hand behind their backs with the other gently holding on to my hand giving it a gentle kiss. "Silas ever since we met you we couldn't help but fall in love," Bill says. "We want to be with you forever," Yoru says staring into my teary eyes as well as Bill.

"Will you marry us?" They both said at the same time. My eyes became tearier. Curse these hormones! "Y-yes!" I yelled. They both smiled putting the two rings on my fingers. I pulled them onto a hug while I cry happy tears in their arms. "Your gonna make me cry!" I heard my mom whine. Everybody laughed at her while she glared at us with teary eyes.

"Enough of this! Your gonna make me cry more! Let's open up gifts" she says snapping her fingers summoning fancy chairs. One chair is by the gifts while the rest of the chairs are surrounding the chair by the gifts. Bill and Yoru helped me up, leading me to the chair by the gift table. I say down wrapping my hands around my swollen stomach.

"Here is your first gift!" Mom says handing me a pink box with a golden ribbon on top. "Open it open it"  mom chanted. "Honey, calm down. He's going to open it, Give him some time." I smiled at dad mouthing thank you before I grab the ribbon. I was about to pull it but the door slammed open revealing Queen Avianna.

"Queen Avianna? What are you doing here?" I asked. She told me that she couldn't leave because she had to protect the trees and other things. She walks towards me ruffling my hair softly. "I came for the baby shower silly," I made an O shape with my mouth. "Your mother and father told me about it so I had someone I trust to take over."

She says as she summons a branch design chair. "Plus I am going to help you deliver your baby! You only have less than Two weeks," I nod. I do have less than two weeks left before I give birth to our baby girl. I'm nervous cause I know damn well it's painful when giving birth. But I don't care. I just want my baby girl to come out safely.

"Don't worry prince Silas, Takashi has been checking on your baby and giving me updates. Your baby going to come out safely. Though when your water breaks Takashi will instantly go back to the Tear soul to keep an eye on the baby." she said softly rubbing my shoulders. I relaxed knowing she was right. Avianna along with everyone else will be by my side helping me along the way like they are now. "Thank you," I said smiling up at her.

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