Chapter 23

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Silas's POV

Today is our wedding day! I'm so excited but I'm so nervous at the same time. What if they change their mind at the end? What if they don't want me anymore? Why am I pacing around the room with my baby in my arms? I sat down and took deep breaths. I look down at rose, gazing into her royal blue eyes with light blue specks and slit pupils. You look just like me but act like your fathers," I said blowing a raspberry.

She giggles, reaching out her hands to my face. I lean down and let her soft pale hands touch my face. "Your so beautiful my little Rose," I cooed. A knock echoes throughout the room making me look up at the door. "Who is it?" I asked getting up from the bed laying Rose's head on my chest. "It's your mom and dad, sweetie," my mom's soft and sweet voice says from the other side of the door.

"You can come in," I said sitting back down in my seat. Mom and Dad walked in with smiles on their faces. My mom look ready to explode while my dad look happy but I could tell he has some words with Bill and Yoru. "My gosh, you look so beautiful! My baby growing up too fast!" My mom says letting her tears fall on her pale cheeks. My dad chuckles while he wipes away mom's tears.

"It's alright, honey," dad says rubbing my mom's back. She is very emotional today which I expected but not this emotional. "Anyways, it's time," Dad says picking up Rose from my arms. Rose started to cry but when she saw Dad's face she instantly lit up like a lightbulb. She taps his nose making dad make funny sounds. Rose giggles fill the room as she continues to tap Dad's nose.

"Here comes Grandma," Dad says handing Rose to Mom who gives Rose kisses all over her cheeks making Rose become a laughing mess. Dad walks over to me with his hands out for me to grab. A smile grew on my face as he helps me up from my seat. "Now let's go I'm pretty sure you're future husbands are waiting impatiently for you," Dad says making me chuckle. "And I will be having a few words with them."

I playfully roll my eyes knowing this would happen sometime soon. "Dad I believe they got it. Last time you threaten to cut off their dicks and balls if they did something to me." I said as mom made her way out of the room to get to her seat. "I think they'll need another one." An evil smirk appeared on his face slightly scaring me. There's no stopping him when he has that smirk plaster on his face.

"J-Just doesn't scare them too badly," I said scared for my two future husbands. "Don't worry, I won't" he tries to reassure me but he can't fool me. "Whatever you say, dad," I chuckled as we walk out of the room to meet my future husband. When we finally made it I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I could do this. Dad knocks on the door twice to let the person on the other side of the door know that the bride (which is me) is here.

The "Here comes the bride" song plays making the door open to reveal me and that without arms linked together. We begin to walk down the aisle, my heart racing like a speed car. "It's alright Silas, take some breaths everything is going to be fine," Dad reassures me. "Thank you," I whisper to him before we made it to my future husbands. They both stretched out their hands for me making me smile warmly at them.

I grab their hands as they lead me to my side on the stage.

Skipping the talking stuff cause I don't listen to that and it's boring so let's get to that one part that we all love!

"Do you Bill Cipher and Yoru Phoenix take Silas Aytigan as your husband?" The preacher asked Bill and Yoru who tighten their hands around my hands. "Yes we do," they both said at the same time. "Do you Silas Aytigan take Bill Cipher and Yoru Phoenix as your husbands?" The preacher asked me. "Yes I do," I said never leaving eye contact with Bill and Yoru. "I now pronounce you three husbands! You may know kiss!"

Yoru took the veil over my head not even a second later I felt lips on mine. They pulled away and another lip connects to mine. I didn't even register who kissed me first but I don't care. Now we are officially married and we have a beautiful baby girl named Rose. The crowd cheers filled up the room making us smile at each other. This is the best time of our lives no mistake on that.

Mom walks up to us with Rose in her arms. I grab her and hold her in my arms. "Picture time!" I heard someone shout. Me, Rose, Bill, Yoru, Dad, and Mom all huddle put together taking a lot of pictures. All that we went through is worth it. I have two great parents,  two handsome husbands, and a  beautiful daughter. I wouldn't change anything in my past. Even if it did hurt.

The end


Blue instead of pink
Hey guys this is the end of this book. I will admit I'm not happy with this book due to how I wrote when I started but I've improved. If you want more Billdip, read my other book called a Strong Obsession. I hope you have a nice Morning, Evening, and Night! And thank you for reading this book

Name: A place with no name
By: Michael Jackson

Credit to Michael Jackson for making this song and credit to Monster lyric for making this video

~MyMy Chan

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