Chapter 3 1/2

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Bill's POV

I made my brother's wheel as I recite the spell in my head like a song stuck on repeat. "Alright finish. Now all I need to do Is say the spell and they should appear." I got off the ground using my hands to lift me from the hardwood brown floor. My eyes begin to shut as my mouth opens to say the spell. "egassem sdrawkcab egassem sdrawkcab egassem sdrawkcab" I felt a gush of wind run towards me almost knocking me down. 'Feels like It appeared' I thought as I keep repeating the spell out loud. As I continue to say the spell, I felt something showering me with warmed making me relaxed a little. Enjoying the warmth as long as I can.

Once I finish saying the last word of the spell, my eyes flutter open, quickly bringing my pale hands in front of my eyes keeping the bright light from hurting my gold eyes. well more like an eye. Footsteps begin to echo throughout the room as a tall pale man came out. He had red silky hair easy to run your fingers through. Ruby red eyes with black slit pupils. On his left eyes is a pitch-black eyepatch. He wore a red tuxedo, black dress pants, shoes, and a jacket. The portal he came out of then begin to close, evaporating in thin air.

Little red dots scattered everywhere before it completely disappeared.  "Hello brother. Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been." he waved his hands. "Hello kill. It has been a while since we saw each other. I'm doing good, I hope you are too." Kill nodded his head before looking at the blue portal. After a while of waiting for the next person to come. I decided to tell kill about the situation. He took it all in like it's nothing. "Bill." I hummed giving him a signal that I'm paying attention. "What if it's him?" He looked at me with an emotionless expression. "Know that I think about what sixer and fez talked about it kinda reminded me of that day" kill nodded, turning his head back at the blue portal that is still forming, but big enough for someone to come.

Suddenly a person with blue hair, white dress shirt with a blue sweater vest over it. A black bow connected to the dress shirt. He has black dress pants and black dress shoes. On his left eye is a black eyepatch. His eye color is beautiful. It reminds you of the bright blue sky. He walked out of the portal grinning. "Hi bill and kill" I smiled at my little brother. "Hello Will, I see that you change." the portal started to close, soon vanishing into thin air the same way as to kill's portal. "So I'm gonna tell you what I told kill before you got here" "all alright". 


"So let me get this straight," Will said after my explanation. "This king guy wants Pinetree for some unknown reason. Sixer kidnapped Pinetree and Pinetree doesn't know that?" I nodded my head as a yes. "I think this has something to do on that day" kill sat on the chair legs crossed looking at will. Will put his index fingers under his chin. "I thought the same thing. I mean sixer did kidnap the prince, meaning it might be Pinetree." Will removed his index finger from under his chin. "Exactly. That's why we are going into sixer mind."

"While looking through his memories about what he said. We also need to look in his other memories about that day" kill pushed himself off the chair, now standing in front of the chair with his arm crossed. "Got it, but kill" I looked kill straight in the eye giving him a warning. "Do NOT  kill sixer. Were going to let THEM deal with it" 
"Fine" kill grumbled under his breath looking away from me. "Alright let's get to it" we all got into a circle position stretching our hands out for one another to grab hold on. "Ready?" I asked looking at my two brothers. "Ready!" They both replied. We closed our eyes, mumbling the spell under our breath. A breeze begins to form causing me to shiver by the cold touch. Despite the breeze picking up, I and my brothers continue to chant the spell.

Suddenly the breeze went away, leaving our surroundings silent. I open my eyes unlocking my pale hands from my brothers who also did the same. "Looks like we made it." I looked at kill who was staring out of space. "Hey kill you alright?" My hands gently sat on his shoulder catching his attention.

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