Chapter 11

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Silas's POV

"Nice to meet you too Takashi, Also you don't have to bow down if you don't want to," I said. Takashi nodded sitting up from the ground. I smiled at him. "I have a question Takashi" Takashi looked into my eyes waiting for me to ask my question. "Is it fine if I see your other form" he nodded as pitch-black mist circles around his body. When the pitch-black mist perished I saw a black and white fox with three tails on the tail as the symbol of the tear soul. I was amazed. Takashi is so cute in his other form.

I sat on my leg sticking my right hand out for Takashi to sniff. Without a second to waste he begin to walk towards my hand. He stopped in front of my hand and begin to sniff before licking my hands. I giggled picking Takashi up from the ground putting him on my lap patting his head. It's been fifteen minutes since I met Takashi and I'm still patting his head. Hmmm, maybe I should get back.

"Hey Takashi I think it's time for me to get back, but do you want to come out?" I asked. Takashi nodded snuggling into my hand that is still patting his head. "Alright, let's go" with that everything went back to the original color everyone still at the table. "Hey kill about confronting the creature I met him" kill looked confused by my change of answer. "I thought you said you didn't come upon him?" Kill asked more confused than before. "I didn't until now. Takashi" I said.

Black mist whirled around me as I put my hands in a position like I'm holding a baby. The black mist perished revealing me holding Takashi that is still in his fox form in my arms. I beamed at everyone who looked at me then at Takashi. "Everyone I would like you to meet Takashi the creature in the tear soul. I introduced. Everyone sat up from their seats and introduced themselves one by one.

After the introduction dad told me that we were going back home. I was excited to finally go home. I wonder if it changed or anything, but I'll see once I passed this portal I somehow made with the help of bill. We all stepped through the portal revealing a huge forest with creatures flying, crawling, and floating around chattering like there's no worry in this world at all. (I wish our world is like this😔) "CREATURES MAY I PLEASE HAVE YOU ATTENTION" dad yelled. Takashi jumped off my arm transforming into his human form standing right beside me. "Good thing my ears aren't that sensitive. I'm gonna have to thank queen Avianna for this" I heard Takashi mumbled.

All the creatures looked our way some eyes are wide when they look at me. I became nervous. "CREATURES EVER SINCE THE ATTACK AT THE CASTLE WE LOST PRINCE SILAS. BUT HE IS FOUND AND IS NOW HERE WITH US" dad yelled walking towards me sending me a smile to reassure me that everything is fine. "EVERYONE THIS IS PRINCE SILAS. HE HAS RETURN TO US" dad yelled out. It was quiet at first then all the creatures begin to shout in joy. Some are dancing, some are hugging other creatures, and some are just jumping around.

Once everyone was calm I stepped up towards the creature with a smile on my face. Takashi right behind me. "Hello everyone, I hope we can get along with each other. I will come and visit everyone as much as I can and please enjoy your day. I said slightly bowing. Everyone applauded again before rushing back home. I giggled and turned towards mom, dad,  Takashi, and the cipher brothers. "Should we start the tour?" I asked. Everyone nodded their heads before we started the tour.

(After the tour)

"That was FUN. Everyone is so nice, they accept me for who I am" I said to the others as we are on our way to the castle. I heard a sweet chuckle coming from mom. "We're glad you enjoy the tour tomorrow you can come back to see the creatures if you want," she said sending me a motherly smile. I hummed in excitement ready for the next day to come. Out of nowhere, I felt an aura. A strong dark aura.

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