Chapter 9

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(WARNING- mention of bullying, touching in inappropriate places, torture, blood, etc. I will show🚨 when it comes up and👍 when it's over. If this trigger you please don't read until it shows 👍)

Prince Yoru POV

I and father slowly but surely made our way towards the dungeon where we get to see the people we're torturing. I can't wait to hear them beg for mercy as they slowly bleed out. That's what they get for bullying MY future husband all because of his birthmark and how he acts. That's just wrong. Why bully someone because of the way they act. Everyone is different in their way. That's something I never understood about humans. Now that I think about it I wonder who father brought to the dungeon. "Hey father, who did you bring to the dungeon?" I asked not looking away to make eye contact.

"Well I brought an old friend of mine that always was by MY queen side, just to touch her in inappropriate places" Father growled out. I wouldn't blame him though. I would've wanted to torture him then kill him." That's exactly what I'm gonna do, but I'm also adding to that," my father said. I looked at him puzzled about what he's adding. "What are you adding," I asked reaching my hand towards the doorknob quickly turning it. "I'm gonna have the others (which are shadow beast but they have human form.) torture him including the phantom shadow." He answered. Wow, that guy is in for a ride. Don't feel bad though.

I swung the door open walking towards the cells. I begin to chuckle darkly as me and father came face to face with the people we're torturing. The one I'm torturing is shaking like a leaf in the cold, panic form on his face as he looked at me and my father. The one my father is torturing has fear in his eyes. His eyes wide as dinner plates when he made eye contact with my father. "Nice to meet you I'm prince yoru I hope you like your stay here cause you won't be leaving anytime soon," I said my eyes turning red as my mouth form a smirk making the guy shake more than he was before. "Hey, father do you want to torture him in your dungeons, since it's more gruesome and you have more tools than I have," I asked father.

Father shook his head yes snapping his fingers making him and his prisoner disappear. "Well then" I turned towards my prisoner with a deadly look in my eyes. "Shall we start" I finished with a crazy smile plastered on my face? The prisoner begins whimpering like a puppy. I just laughed at this pathetic human. "You bully/harm someone acting tough and everything, but when it comes to you your scared out of your mind. Your a lost cause hope you know that" after I said that we heard a loud painful scream echo throughout the castle. I chuckled darkly at the scream.

Torture up ahead🚨

"Sounds like father is having fun. Well then it's time for me to have my fun" I said walking towards a shelf and a table full of sharp tools. "Maybe I should use a nail and impel it in your skin" I continue scanning through my options until my eyes landed on my favorite torture weapons. "Or~ I can use this" I grabbed the two tools off the table and turned around showing my prisoner the tools I'm using. He trembled tears pouring out more than before. "Awwww~ why are you crying? We didn't even start" I said in a teasing tone. I snapped my fingers strapping my prisoner onto a bloody table.

I walked up to my strap prisoner and set the knife and blowtorch the table next to him. I went back to the table with my torture tools and grabbed leather gloves, needles with a surprise in them, and a black leather mask. Since I don't need to breathe to survive I can wear a leather mask. I quickly put on the leather gloves and the leather mask.

After that, I picked up the five different color needles and carried them to the table next to the prisoner who is now full-blown crying. I rolled my eyes scanning at the five needles deciding which color I should use. I couldn't decide so I picked a random needle. Which ended up being the blueish-grey needle. I insert the needle into. . . If I'm right his name is Jackson. Once the blueish-grey liquid was inside Jackson's body. I grabbed the blowtorch and turned it on waiting for it to heat up.

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